Is where we go, where we have been ? I believe many of us pray for just that. The idea of heaven. Filled with our family and friends, free of sickness and certainly no drama, just a place of rest. It is a comfort to believe such. It doesn't have to reside in the empirical portion of our minds, that isn't where belief lives. Belief lives in the soul. We can certainly believe, but belief isn't a certainty. And for me, it doesn't have to be. Belief, for me arrived as a quiet acceptance. I accept that I can not understand it all and that I will never understand it all. My confirmation is in a simple statement, I believe. I'm thinking the certainty of death will reveal the final truth.
That we will die is no mystery. The when and why of it uncertain but the act itself is not. I don't feel any particular trepidation about that, it is just a fact. I see no reason to become overly concerned about that eventuality. I'll do what I can to stay alive, that much is sure, but that to me is only prudent. Prudence is an action we should all exercise. In our youth we often ignore our better judgement and act with some preconceived idea of impunity. The impetuous reaction of the young. Strange how it is those actions that we remember the most. That is the time we wish to return to. It is the places we have been.
I wonder why our advancing years are called the Golden years ? Is it because that is the time we sit and look back upon all the golden moments in our lives ? I rather like that thought and will stick with that. We are told to not store up treasures for ourselves here on earth, but to store up treasure in heaven. But what is that treasure ? That treasure is your past. It is a paradox of sorts. When we are young we often act without regard for consequence. We fail to consider how our actions may affect ourselves or those around us. Life is filled with drama and excitement. The " treasure " we are collecting isn't always so golden ! We don't even recognize it as treasure most of the time. It all comes as a quiet acceptance. We are busy looking forward. Then when we reach those golden years, we spend a great deal of time looking back. That is the paradox !
Looking back, we question where we are going. Does it end ? That is the big question isn't it ? I don't believe it does. I am rather hoping for a do-over of sorts. My past wasn't always golden. I could have done better. I not hoping for a reincarnation, just a continuation. You know how some folks have an old soul ? That's a continuation. Maybe some of us are just scrapped altogether, a sort of cosmic recycling takes place. I say that because the energy that is our soul can not be destroyed. Energy is always transformed from one state to another. Is where we go where we have been ? I hope so, the familiar is a comfort. and I want to be comfortable for an eternity. If you're praying for an invitation, you have to please the host.
That we will die is no mystery. The when and why of it uncertain but the act itself is not. I don't feel any particular trepidation about that, it is just a fact. I see no reason to become overly concerned about that eventuality. I'll do what I can to stay alive, that much is sure, but that to me is only prudent. Prudence is an action we should all exercise. In our youth we often ignore our better judgement and act with some preconceived idea of impunity. The impetuous reaction of the young. Strange how it is those actions that we remember the most. That is the time we wish to return to. It is the places we have been.
I wonder why our advancing years are called the Golden years ? Is it because that is the time we sit and look back upon all the golden moments in our lives ? I rather like that thought and will stick with that. We are told to not store up treasures for ourselves here on earth, but to store up treasure in heaven. But what is that treasure ? That treasure is your past. It is a paradox of sorts. When we are young we often act without regard for consequence. We fail to consider how our actions may affect ourselves or those around us. Life is filled with drama and excitement. The " treasure " we are collecting isn't always so golden ! We don't even recognize it as treasure most of the time. It all comes as a quiet acceptance. We are busy looking forward. Then when we reach those golden years, we spend a great deal of time looking back. That is the paradox !
Looking back, we question where we are going. Does it end ? That is the big question isn't it ? I don't believe it does. I am rather hoping for a do-over of sorts. My past wasn't always golden. I could have done better. I not hoping for a reincarnation, just a continuation. You know how some folks have an old soul ? That's a continuation. Maybe some of us are just scrapped altogether, a sort of cosmic recycling takes place. I say that because the energy that is our soul can not be destroyed. Energy is always transformed from one state to another. Is where we go where we have been ? I hope so, the familiar is a comfort. and I want to be comfortable for an eternity. If you're praying for an invitation, you have to please the host.
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