Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I'm amused

 I have the news on as I write these blogs. Before I began this morning I heard this little news story that amused me. It seems the cheerleaders for the Baltimore Ravens have filed some complaints about their working conditions. They have been told to go to the tailgating section and mingle with the crowd. The issue ? While they are there they have been subjected to cat-calls, inappropriate comments and in some cases unwanted touching. I know, I know, who could have anticipated that happening. I got chuckling so hard about this that I didn't hear the end of the story. I quickly arrived at the solution, don't require those ladies to mingle with a crowd of men drinking alcohol !
 Listen, I'm not saying any of that is appropriate behavior. I am saying it is an inevitable as the sun coming up in the east. Groups of men, alcohol and females , the result is 100% predictable. What I found so amusing was reporting this as a news story. Just who was surprised by any of that ? And funnier still, what do you expect anyone to do about it. Are we going to post signs saying , act like gentlemen at all times ! Is there any expectation of changing that behavior, by any means ? That is what I find laughable. You are not going to change that, not ever.
 Now I realize that those ladies didn't sign up for any of that. They did however try out to become a cheerleader. I can't help but feel a certain level of vanity has to be involved with that decision. I mean, let's be honest here, the ladies selected are based on their appearance , as much as their cheering abilities. To try and deny that is just kidding yourself. Yes, a portion of the job is to look attractive ! The outfits chosen are not chosen for utility, but for a specific reason, to appeal in a visual sense. Now send these ladies into a crowd of drunken men. Well, there you go. If any of those ladies went in there expecting to be treated with complete and total respect just who is being foolish ? As I said, the solution is do not require them to enter that environment ! If they choose to do that, on their own,  they should expect to be a bit uncomfortable, or not, depending upon their own sensibilities. To expect to modify the behavior of every man in the crowd is just not realistic at all.
 The only legitimate complaint I feel those ladies have would be a requirement to enter that crowd. Is that a condition of employment ? I don't know for certain, but I expect it is in the contract somewhere. If they choose to sign that contract surely they have to anticipate a certain level of, shall we say, immature behaviors from the crowd. I do believe they should certainly be provided a degree of security at all times. No touching ! To do so should result in immediate expulsion from the event ! No ifs' ands' or buts' about that. Cat calls and inappropriate suggestions should just be ignored. It is going to happen !
 I guess I'm just deplorable, as I am not offended by the obvious, or reality. There are people that don't like me, don't agree with me and question my intelligence. I'm not offended, I expect as much. I understand that guns don't shoot people, people shoot people and that I am responsible for the choices I make. I accept the fact that there are some that will say inappropriate comments, directed at me ! I know, surprising isn't it. I wasn't surprised when I took a job at the sewer plant and there were foul odors involved. I'm not surprised when I state my opinion and others want to punch me ! I know, people should just listen politely and be considerate of others feelings. And I wasn't surprised or offended to hear that those cheerleaders had been subjected to the behaviors they had. I really didn't need a news team to inform me about that. It was an amusement though. Guess it is just me, but I find myself amused a lot by the news these days. The news is getting to be more like the National Enquirer than any serious journalism. The President is alleged to have had an affair ten years ago with a porn star ! It's headline news. Enquiring minds want to know. 

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