Monday, April 16, 2018

that's cool

 It has been a few years since I was in high school. Forty seven years to be exact about it, but that's not important. Heck, it isn't really that long a time. Why it is less than half a century, just a tick in the tock of time. What I have observed in life since is how much society stays the same. What I mean is the social structure stays pretty much the same. You have all the little groups and cliques. You know what I mean, the nerds, the ones with money, the intellectuals, and last, but not least, the " cool " kids. It is the last group that amuses me the most, always did. I am amused because they may possess other traits, like intelligence, money, position in the community by virtue of their family name, even be a sports star, but they seldom think for themselves. No, they are the " cool " kids that adopt the latest fad and fashion without question. In fact, they will go to great lengths to support those choices no matter how silly those choices may be. If it is a new, progressive idea they're in ! In my day it was called being cool. I'm not sure what the kids say today, something like being " woke " or some such thing.
 I'm still amused to this day when I see those of my age group being the cool kids. It's like they just can't admit to the truth. They have this need to belong to current events that is like an addiction. They just have to adopt the current narrative no matter what, I'm cool ! Sure I'm in my sixties now but I'm still cool. I will support and defend the latest proposals regardless of rhyme, reason or logic. Right on brother, lit up that doobie ! It's free love all over again, I'll support that ! For me the whole thing just comes off as disingenuous. It appears to me they spend more of their time trying to convince themselves of their choices than anyone else. Just go with the flow. Just like high school they just call everyone else unflattering names, but use big words to do it. Well that has changed somewhat, it now being cool to use as foul and crude a language as possible. Yes, I'm an adult but will use whatever language I want, I really don't care about what society thinks ! You know why ? I'm cool. That's why. I'm current, in the moment. And well, everyone is doing that. That's the most important thing, do not speak out in opposition. What are you , a nerd ?
 I see the whole deal as an insecurity. I know that is what the therapists might say too, but I arrived at that conclusion all by myself. It is far easier to be popular than it is to be sincere. Your popularity is dependent upon you having something to offer to others. It's really as simple as that. The more you have to offer, the more popular you become. Couple that with a willingness to sacrifice you own thoughts and beliefs in order to foster that popularity and you have the cool kids. The cool kids live for that instant satisfaction. The whole thing is what do you offer ? Popularity or sincerity ?  It's possible to have both, but a rare combination. The formula has to be based in consistency. If you keep changing your beliefs based on current popular trends, that is impossible. You just have to sacrifice your beliefs at every turn. Security comes not from accepting everything that comes along, but security comes by discretion. I guess what I'm trying to say is this. Not every new idea that comes along is a good one. Everything doesn't have to change or be improved. Some things are just fine the way they are. For me, that's cool. 

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