Sunday, April 22, 2018

one rule

 There are winners and losers. I know that isn't a popular statement these days, it being reality and all, but it needs to be understood. Oh, I know about victims and survivors, they are plentiful. I hear that all the time. You know why that is ? Victims don't have to assume responsibilty for anything and the survivors are the heroes. That's the premise behind all of that. It is far better to have been a victim than to admit you made a mistake. And having to face reality, having something happen to you, something  you didn't plan or don't like, well you just have to survive that ! You don't have to accept it, or deal with it, just survive it.  I'll fill you in on another reality,  you won't survive life, eventually you will die. It is best to get used to that reality.
 Now for some that seems like a harsh reality but it is a simple statement of fact. We are here for an indeterminate length of time. That is something we really have no control over. Oh sure there is suicide but that doesn't always work either. I don't believe you can force the hand of God. I also don't believe you should test that hand ! But all of that is a personal decision, one I surely hope I never face. It is a decision I surely can't understand and will no make pretense that I can. The best I can do is accept that for what it is. It is no way related to winners and losers. I don't mean to imply that is any way but needed to mentioned as a qualifier. There are those that will insist we have control over life and death, and I disagree with that.
 No, what I am thinking about are winners and losers. The question is how do you measure a winner ? A winner is somehow who, staying within the rules, plays the game and succeeds. A winner doesn't make exceptions, modify the rules, or blame others for cheating. In short winners aren't victims ! The moment you decide to accept the premise that you are being victimized that is when you begin to lose the game. In this case, the game of life. The object is not to survive being a victim. Being a survivor doesn't mean you won, it means you survived. When you make a gain, you are winning. That is the distinction being lost today. The primary thing that needs to be learned are the rules ! That's how you win, staying within the rules. What is the rule ?
 The Golden rule, it is that simple. It is also the rule we make more exceptions to than any other rule there is. We muddy the waters to avoid adhering to that rule. We attempt to modify that rule to say, do unto me as I want you to do, not as I do to you. You see, I'm a victim. I'm entitled to special consideration,  I survived, I earned that consideration. That's the reason you should just give me what I want. I am the exception to the rule.
 See how that is the liberal view of things ? See how that modifies the rules ? A reinterpretation of the rules, in some cases disregarding the rules altogether, and I suggest, as a whole, losing as a result. But now we are seeing a push to enforce those rules. An ever increasing portion of the population realizing that we need to play by the rules as originally written. Yes, the very nature of mankind has not changed over time. The things that give us true happiness, the things that make us successful have not changed. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is just as valid today as the day that phrase was penned. Even the ancients were aware of that, it hasn't changed.
 There is right and wrong. That's another rule the liberal folks like to change whenever it becomes inconvenient. That's why the argument that one thing is no worse than another. We won't necessarily come right out and say something is right, but it is no worse than. A slight change to the rule ? No, that action turns it into a wild card, it can be whatever, whenever. Pretty clever, eh.  Avoid having to say the truth of it and offending someone. A truth like I was born male but think I'm a girl. We'll call that identifying instead of just saying, you're wrong, you're a boy. Another clever trick to fool ourselves into believing some alternate reality. In that way if someone should tell that person they are wrong, that person will then become the victim ! If that person survives, they will be rewarded. Then everyone feels better about themselves. We are survivors !
 So what is a winner ? A winner in life is the one who can accept reality for what it is and not be dismayed by that. A winner realizes that happiness is the final reward. Happiness isn't given as a reward but is earned by the choices we make. If you play by the rules, avoid taking those shortcuts, you will reach the end. Well, you will reach the end of the game as we know it regardless, that's a simple truth. The winner reaches the end content with having been here and given the opportunity. Life is as difficult as you choose to make it. It's a lot easier if you just follow the rules. Really just the one rule will do fine.  

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