Tuesday, April 17, 2018

searchable ?

 The judge orders a searchable database of documents, without examining those documents. My question is, just how do you do that ? If I want to create a database, don't I need the data ? I don't know, I'm confused here, but then again I didn't go to college and law school. Surely this has to be some liberal logic at work. I have the documents, I need to organize those documents into a searchable format, but I can't read the documents ? Is it that searching is different than reading,  or reading different from searching ? I suppose you could say searching is looking for something specific and you can't do that. That would be like reading a book but not following the plot or understanding the meaning the author was trying to convey. I can create a list of every subject in those documents, making the subjects searchable, but I can't search the subjects. To further complicate this logic the judge does say, a copy of this database will be provided later on.
 So, to review. The FBI raids an office confiscating documents that they haven't read. Then they are tasked with creating a searchable database of those documents, without searching the documents. After the database is created it will be shared with the owners of those documents. Then, I'm assuming everyone will be allowed to search the database for whatever it is they are looking for. Thing is, everyone already knows what they are looking for. They are looking for records relating to paying a porn star to keep silent about an alleged affair from 11 years ago. That's what the warrant was for.  Of course the Porn star has already broken her silence, an illegal act to go along with possible other illegal activities she has been involved with, but we won't mention that.
 The bottom line in all this is what we are really looking for is an excuse. The DOJ, FBI, CIA and other government agencies have been trying to find some excuse for Hillary Clintons loss in the election. That's all it is. We are all aware of all the Russian collusion theories, voter fraud, the electoral college,  and Cambridge analytical. Well, and Facebook, Facebook enabled the Russians in influencing who we voted for. Now, we will condemn the morality of the man. He had an affair ! Shocking ! Well now,  if that isn't grounds for impeachment I don't know what is. We'll search the database. A database that will be created by those that confiscated the documents in the first place but they won't search them while creating the database ! Hey, the judge ordered that so I'm certain they will comply !
 The thing is, in these documents we will find evidence of campaign finances. That's right, somehow a lawyer paying a porn star to not talk about her affair with a presidential candidate , an affair that took place eleven years ago, has influenced the election in his favor. That 130,000 dollar payment took it over the edge for sure. We don't know how that happened but it will be in that database, we just need to be able to search it ! Sounds more like we have  " documents " and now we need to make the documents fit the narrative. I know, create a database that is searchable because we already know what we want them to find. It's a kind of reverse engineering. Payoffs to porn stars are always documented in campaign records.   

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