Friday, February 9, 2018

treatment or choice

 Seems I see more and more commercials on television for drug rehabilitation treatment centers. These ads usually begin with this statement, Addiction is a disease ! Well let's just back up a minute here. If addiction is a disease it is one that is self induced. Addiction begins with abuse ! Pretty simple to understand don't you think ? Addiction begins with abuse of the substance itself. You don't get addicted without first having used the substance. Oh, but you say, it was a prescription drug that I got addicted to. Yes, because you abused the prescription by taking more than the prescribed dosage. But I'll admit it isn't solely the fault of the user, after all a doctor has to write that prescription. Did you know with any of these addiction prone medicines a doctor is only supposed to prescribe a three day supply ? Yes, that's the law but 99% of doctors exceed that limit. So does that make it their fault ? I don't think so, you are supposed to act in an adult fashion, using reasonable judgement. It plainly states on every prescription bottle do not exceed recommended dosage. Beyond that I'd say that 100% of the people being prescribed these drugs would vehemently complain if they had to get a new prescription filled every three days. That doesn't excuse the doctor for not adhering to the law but it doesn't make him responsible for you abusing that prescription ! Yes, it is your fault ! No, it isn't a disease that you somehow magically get. So quit trying to tell me. Addiction is a disease.  
 Disease is a pathological condition of a body part, an organ, or a system resulting from various causes, such as genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs and symptoms. That's what the dictionary says it is. So okay you can say it is a disease. I get that. Still is it accurate to say addiction is a disease in the sense that just develops on its' own ? Isn't that the implication here ? You didn't do anything wrong, its' not your fault, you have a disease ! And what do we do for disease ? We treat it. How will we treat it ? We'll take it away from you, tell you how bad the disease is and give you a 12 step program. For the really expensive treatment we'll let you talk to a shrink. You know why ? Because addiction begins with abuse ! And you and you alone are responsible for abusing that drug ! It's really quite simple. It's a little thing we like to ignore these days, self accountability. But as with a lot of things in America we need a professional. We have a professional everything these days. We even have professionals to tell us what professional we need to see.
 How do you get this disease of addiction ?  You do that by consciously making a choice. When you choose to medicate yourself by either abusing the prescription you received, or just buying it off the street, that is a choice. If you continue in this choice until you can no longer function that is also your choice. You chose addiction. You couldn't help it right ?  And now we will treat a disease ? If treatment fails it is just a relapse, not the fault of treatment. Ask any rehabilitation center if they guarantee results. The answer will always be, no. If they have a successful result they tout that as a success on their part however. Accountability issues ? I'll only assume credit for the successes, not the failures. That's because you get addicted by the choices you make and they can't control that. They can take the credit though when you make the correct choices. See how that works ?  Sounds like a great way to do business, very profitable and they are assured of repeat customers. Fact is, they count on it. It's a sure thing. There is no cure for addiction. That is just a medical fact. There is no cure, only treatment. Like taking maintenance drugs to control blood pressure or cholesterol, there is no cure. Well that's not exactly true, there is a cure and it is called Choice. 

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