Saturday, February 3, 2018

common sense

 It's the age of activism ! At least that is the way I see it. The number and color of ribbons worn in support of some cause is staggering, I can't even begin to name them. Ribbons weren't enough so " pink " hats were next. Some ladies even took to wearing the full " costume " to support this cause of feminism/liberalism or some kind of ism. And all this is touted as activism, being active for a worthy cause, raising awareness or to put it plainly,  stir the pot ! That is what we called it back in the day. Stirring the pot is intended to mix the ingredients to form a homogeneous consistency. A fine idea and a good plan as long as we are using the proper ingredients. The problem we have right now is what we are trying to mix is contrary to the recipe. That recipe is America. An America that was formed by mixing together homogeneous ingredients. We even called it the great melting pot ! Why was it called the melting pot ? It was simply because we were trying to " melt " together to form one thing, America. All the " ingredients "  wanted to work together to form this recipe. It was about the whole, not the individual.
 In this age of activism we have another group advocating for sticking to the original recipe. Sounds like a common sense approach to me but this same group is being called " radical " by others. Common sense has been changed into radicalism ? That's what it looks like from where I'm standing. Common sense is being brushed aside as old fashioned, bigoted and prejudicial. The activists are fighting with everything they can muster to silence common sense. The evidence is plain if one just stops to look at it. Let's start with this whole concept of gender identity. There are two ! It's a simple biological fact, there are two. Yet the activists claim three at the moment, there is the gender neutral crowd. Take this notion of same sex marriage. Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. That's what it is. It is also the reason anything else has to be identified as such. The term " same sex "  quantifies that relationship. It is telling you that this " marriage " is different than the traditional common sense marriage that we all understand and assume unless told otherwise. People sneaking across our borders are illegal aliens. The activists call them, undocumented immigrants ! If I sneak in the bank and steal money that isn't an undocumented withdrawal. I may need the money for legitimate reasons, circumstances beyond my control, but that doesn't change the action taken. I will not be given amnesty and a monthly allowance with free medical benefits. Common sense tells us that doesn't it ? If I don't want to have a child is murder an acceptable alternative ? Common sense will tell you, absolutely not ! Regardless of anything the activists will tell you that option is not a common sense approach to birth control ! And you know what, having someone else pay for your choices is not either ! Common sense folks. You want to play, you have to pay.
 And now one of my favorites from the activists. Everything changes with time and everything needs to change. The truth is only peoples choices change, for there are moral absolutes. Those moral absolutes are generally considered, you guessed it, Common Sense, Consider the Golden Rule. Common Sense isn't it. I believe everyone from any culture would agree with that instruction.
 The scholars speak of moral relativism, yes it's another ism. The argument being that morals are dependent upon the society. That's why what is alright in one society isn't in another. But are morals really dependent upon society ? The answer for me is emphatically no ! The assault continues though. The activists insisting on changing everything and calling common sense a radical approach. Only in a world of mass media is this possible. Disguised as " education " the narrative is changed. Morals are being taught as too restrictive, too closed minded. By rejecting morality we will gain true freedom. What isn't being taught is the elimination of morality will pave the path to anarchy. A society without a moral compass will be lost. And that, to me, is just common sense.   

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