Sunday, February 25, 2018

a time to start

 We started with, spare the rod and spoil the child. Well, we have and we did. We are just beginning to the see the results of that decision. We have tried to drug the children into submission and the results of that are telling. Depression, thoughts of suicide, uncontrollable anger and many others. But, we blame a gun ! Some of these kids are eating Tide pods as a " challenge " , yeah a mental challenge because they're idiots ! But, it's the gun causing them to attack other children at the schoolhouse.
 We started with other children will tease you and make fun of you. We taught our children how to cope with that. We taught sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. We taught if you were attacked with sticks and stones,  you retaliated with sticks and stones ! It was a fair fight. Now we tell our children you are being bullied, some one else needs to deal with that. You are wrong to even try to do anything about that. You are defenseless, your only hope is the law. You are dependent upon the law for your safety and your well being. If you still feel upset and angry, even after the law has intervened, it's a failure of the system ! You will be given some more drugs or special considerations. It's not your fault after all, the system failed you. Protest, scream at the sky and boycott ! That is how to get results. Whatever you do always remember, it is never a failure on your part, never ! The system is failing you.
 We started with , "  When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another and assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitles them , a decent respect to the opinion of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. " Beyond the explanation of why, we acknowledged the Law of Nature and Natures God ! Later in the Constitution, the law of the land, we separated God from Government. We didn't remove God from our lives and our thinking, quite the contrary, we kept God separate so as not to contaminate our God with the laws of men. But now, now we are eliminating God from the equation altogether. God is under attack. And, I would submit, we have begun to deny the laws of nature. Case in point, gender identity ! Another example is this concept of inanimate objects somehow assaulting school children ! It is not the fault of the person, it's the fault of the weapon ! Why, it's a failure of the system ! 
 Well I'd say we had a real good system for many years until we decided to change all of that. No need to discipline children, no we will reward instead. And we will reward everyone equally so as not to upset delicate egos. Even when the behaviors are terrible, we won't blame the children, we will just drug them into submission. We will teach or children that the world should revolve around them, any attempt to make them conform to societal standards must be stopped ! We will write legislation ! There will be no " decent respect to the opinion of mankind " there will only be the law.
 What will the future bring ? I don't know but have not lost hope. Surely there will come a time when people are reawakened. Will it take some tough times, trials and tribulations ? Yes, it will, it always does. It is like raising your children. It takes effort, determination, resolve, and a desire to give of yourself. If you are unwilling to do those things the results are always bad. The pendulum swings and I sure hope it reaches it's apex soon. I am sensing a groundswell of resentment and intolerance growing in our country. Enough of this nonsense. A time to return to common sense. A time to once again recognize the Laws of Nature and Natures God. 

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