Saturday, February 24, 2018

I don't always agree

  People have likes and dislikes. I know, it's an amazing thing to some that believe everyone should just love everything. I'm talking about personal likes and dislikes of course. It has gotten to be where you can't express those personal likes and dislikes without being labeled. We are defining our fellow man in that fashion. To say you dislike or disagree with someone else is akin to a declaration of war these days. And then we wonder why people can't have a reasonable, rational discussion. Emotions rule the day, logic be damned.
 I've always prescribed to the old way, live and let live. The problem these days is others want to live in my house ! The message is being misunderstood. I'm more than happy to let you live in any fashion you choose as long as you ain't hurting me or someone I love. That doesn't mean you can live in that manner in my house ! I don't like it, I will tell you I don't like it, and tell you to get out ! That doesn't mean I want to harm you in any fashion, what it does mean is,  I disagree with your choices.     Life,  and living of it is always about choice. This information seems to be a bit of a surprise to some these days. Well not exactly that they have a choice, but that their choices have consequences. Seems like a lot of folks can't think past the I have a choice part. They choose to study philosophy in college. It sounds all heady, so scholarly, an impressive degree. Then once they get it they realize they can't find a job, no body is hiring a philosopher ! Oh man, I've got to pay back all these loans and I can't get a job ! Then they make another choice, open a go fund me account and ask for loan forgiveness. Eventually they end up delivering pizza for dominos while philosophizing about the meaning of life.
 Well, like I said, live and let live. Just don't ask me to provide that life for you, you have to get that all by yourself. Also don't ask or expect me to always agree with your choices. It doesn't mean I hate you or want to kill you, it means I'm telling you what I think. I think a man sporting a man bun looks like a fool, my opinion and my choice to not wear one. If you choose to dress and act like a thug don't complain when people think you are a thug. If you choose to explain everything with a four letter vocabulary don't be surprised when you are not taken seriously. Maybe you should have gotten a degree in Communication. Oh wait, I can learn to communicate with others without having a degree in it. Look in the want ads and see how many job openings there are for a person with a communication degree. You can drive right ? At least you will know how to communicate with the customers.
 All I'm trying to say here is that it is our choices that rule the day. It isn't about getting others to agree with your choices. It isn't about liking or disliking one another. It is about reaching an understanding with each other. In reaching that understanding we can arrive at the best choice for each of us. It works that way on every level. Whether we are talking about personal choices or choices that effect the entire nation, we need to reach an understanding with one another. Emotions need to be tempered with knowledge. Emotions start wars ! We need to use knowledge to arrive at a logical decision, a reasonable choice. 

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