Sunday, February 4, 2018

still here

 I saw yesterday another person saying they were taking a break from Facebook. I understand the sentiment as Facebook can get you upset when you don't agree with others. The part I don't understand is why blame Facebook ? You really do control what you read, what you write and what you choose to react too. I guess it must be that mysterious " trigger " that so many liberal people talk about. Whatever it is it makes them " go off " and head for a safe space. I'm thinking it is what we called stimulating conversation back in the old days, you remember them don't you ? People behaved in a more or less civil fashion when interacting with friends and strangers. Much of the language used today is what we called fighting words ! Today we are told that fighting isn't a physical activity and should only be done with marches, ribbons and rhetoric. The only consequence that comes from this fighting is someone winds up buying a fidget spinner or talking to a therapist. The other person " gets their way. "
 In light of recent events I'm thinking this  " taking a break " will pick up in popularity among a certain crowd. Eating crow is bad for the digestion and will require a recovery period. The sale of coloring books and self help books will certainly be on the rise. You see that is the problem with this social media, it really doesn't go away. Once you make statements and arguments supporting certain things you can't just take it back. It's out there baby. You either learn to digest the truth or run away. Victory by attrition ! Last man standing ! Yup, this is getting interesting. You know following a great tempest a period of calm prevails. It is a time to assess what has happened , what damage was done, and what we need to do to repair that damage. Is it a bit of light shining through the dark clouds ? I can't speak for others, but I'm sticking around to find out.    

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