Thursday, February 22, 2018


 The big discussion is once again, control. An understandable response to a very tragic event. It is really a plea. We plead when there is no reasonable or rational answer. To plead is to beg. I say we plead to our God because man has always known it would take a power greater than ourselves to make such things as gun violence stop ! Man is not capable of stopping other men from doing evil deeds. If we were there would be no theft, all men would be treated equal,  and there would be no wars. The bottom line is all of those things are beyond the scope of man to control. And so in our grief and sorrow we plead. It is an emotional response.
 Law can not replace God. Whatever you believe your God to be, your God is greater than yourself. Isn't that a simple truth ? If your God weren't, what purpose would that God serve ? Man has been writing laws since the beginning in an effort to delineate what is acceptable behavior and what is not. Man has formed communities and countries founded on certain ideas and ideals. Many forms of government all trying to control the actions of men. Some have enjoyed greater success than others. In the end most have burned themselves out, their prosperity or debauchery being their own downfall. Consider the greatness that was Rome. What happened to that great society. It went into decline and the government tried to keep the citizens entertained. Gods were replaced one after another. Moral and ethical standards were lowered until they were nonexistent. That spelled the end. No law could stop that ! You cannot write legislation to replace God.
 The United States currently has a reported population of 327.16 million people. There are an estimated 300 million guns. The simple fact of the matter is a certain percentage of that population will use one of those guns to commit murder. It's a fact as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. It is these mass shootings that get most of the attention by virtue of their horrific natures. This is greatly magnified by attacking children ! In other countries Churches are attacked for the same impact. If you want to get attention there isn't much more you can do. Children and churches ! With 300 million guns already in circulation I'd say banning the sale of one particular type isn't going to solve much. And even if we banned all guns and somehow managed to get every last one of them down to the last bullet would that stop the killing ? No, I honestly don't think it would. Those intent upon committing mass murder will do so and have throughout history. Long before guns of any kind were available fire, clubs, and disease were employed to devastating effect.
 But this is an emotional time, justifiably so. Perhaps some legislation will be passed and provide some comfort. The talk is banning bumpstocks and that's fine. There is talk of raising the age to purchase a rifle. That doesn't stop anyone from buying cigarettes or alcohol but makes people feel like they are doing something. I understand that need to feel like you are doing something. Grandma always told me idle hands do the devils work. Perhaps we just have too many idle hands these days ! Could be we need to teach people about responsibilty and accountability. And in the end, you are accountable to your God. That should be the ultimate deterrent. Maybe that is the lesson to be taught. There are no atheists on the battlefield or the gallows !      

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