Saturday, December 14, 2013

Use common sense

So I'm reading some news and learn that a Nativity scene was ordered removed from a military installation because a complaint was filed. An organization calling itself the Military Religious Freedom Foundation acts on behalf of any military member filing a complaint. The stated goals of this organization are Religious Freedom for All. It's founder a Mr. Michael Weinstein, started this group in 2005 following what he said was religious discrimination against him. He is of the Jewish faith. A noble cause but one that has now become perverted into something totally different. This group now wants to block all religious practice in the Military.
The removal of the Nativity scene was ordered by a judge. The tired old excuse of separation of Church and State was referenced. Additionally, the Constitution was used as a tool in its' removal. Somehow it has been found in the Constitution that it says you can't have a Nativity scene on a military installation. I have read the Constitution several times and must have missed that point. Apparently one must be a Constitutional Scholar, like our current President claims to be, to understand it. I don't agree with that however.
I do think the framers of the Constitution were educated men. Yes, they were men of influence and power. They were not what we would call the common man, but I believe they did have good common sense. When they composed the Constitution they never imagined others, hundreds of years later, would not understand that. I think it would be a fairly safe assumption to say they did not intend to prevent the erection of a Nativity scene. You could argue that they said the Government may not use your money to do that, but that doesn't mean volunteers couldn't do it. In the case I am speaking of that is just the case. No government funds were used or government employees while on the payroll. Arlington National Cemetery is full of religious symbols and this group, the MRFF would have them all removed, if they could. This perversion of the Constitution infuriates me. And that is what I am trying to say here. All written words or spoken ones for that matter, are subject to interpretation. Have we become so very educated that we know throw common sense and reason out the window ? The founding fathers knew, I know it and you know it too ! It is impossible to write down every little detail for every possible scenario. The Constitution is just an outline. We the people must rely upon common sense and good judgement. That is the way the framers lived their lives ,as did the common folks. A lack of common sense and good judgement got you killed back then. The world didn't tolerate the stupid or the foolhardy.
Religious freedom was a primary factor in our migration from Europe. The freedom to practice our faith,as we saw fit. Religious freedom is not the prevention of others from practicing their faith. Discrimination is the result of individuals, not religion. I have real fears for the future of our nation if this path is allowed to be followed. Shall we just throw away the basic tenets, as was written into the constitution, in favor of a scholarly interpretation ? What is the common sense approach ? That is the way we should be going.

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