Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Old friends and Christmas

You often hear it said, Christmas is for children. That is true as Christmas does speak to belief. The childlike belief and faith of a child. The innocence of youth. The baby Jesus, who was a child and grew into a man. Expectations and anticipation fill the air. The question in our minds, what will I receive. It is a  birthday celebration and we get the gifts. Isn't that the best birthday of all ?
Now I have reached my sixtieth year and no little feet are running down the hall. There is little talk of Santa. Even the grandchildren are past that stage. Still, the Christmas tree is up and the decorations are out. My home is ready for the party. The only thing left is to invite the guest of honor. Do you invite Jesus into your home each year ? We should do so every day, and Christmas is just the reminder.
I got up and the coffee was on. I could hear it perking in the kitchen and smell that wonderful smell. The lights on the tree are lighted and they seem so bright. I wonder why that is as they are just those miniature lights. I think it must be part of the magic of Christmas that this should be so. But for me, this morning is much like all the others. I turn on the computer and go check the mail. This morning however I was pleasantly surprised when I opened it. There was an E-card there from an old friend. It was nice to know you are being thought of. There was a time when I would have thought an e-card was somehow wrong, but no more. I have learned that lesson, it is the thought that counts. The old adage rings true ! A touch of wisdom was the gift of that message. Immediately I thought of old friends and Christmases past. I thought of them with a smile, not with sadness or sorrow. They were new again. Just as the birth of Jesus should be new to us each year as well. A renewal of faith and belief that is the gift of Christmas. Yes, Christmas is for Children, the children of God.

                                                             Merry Christmas

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