Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Time Traveler

Like a lot of young people I had a job at the local grocery when I was in high school. I worked for Mr. Chuck Haney, proprietor of the IGA supermarket, North Main Street, East Hampton,New York. As far as I know the store is still there, just a different owner. I would have been there in '69 of '70. In fact my brother was a butcher there and my Mom was a meat wrapper. We all worked together and had a good time. I stocked the shelves.
A little over forty years later and I find myself stocking shelves at the local grocery store. The store is owned by a Mr. Chang Woo and my son is the manager. History does repeat. Yesterday an elderly lady required some help in getting her groceries out to her car. I was happy to help. We had a short discussion on the way. She regaled me of times gone by , when customer service was just that, customer service. I chuckled and agreed, as I remembered carrying out the groceries at the IGA all those years ago. As I sat those groceries in the trunk of her car, I couldn't help but smile. I'm not sure why, but that brief trip back in time was very pleasing.
I think it may be because for just the briefest of moments, I was back at the IGA. While I pushed that shopping cart, wagon as we called them, with that lady walking alongside exchanging pleasantries I did flash back. A polite and cordial discourse between customer and employee. There was a mutual respect between us and it could be felt. I feeling pleased to be of service  and she happy to get her items without straining her back. She told me how her grandson would be there waiting to bring the things into the house for her.
I closed the trunk lid and began pushing the wagon back to the corral. This lady thanked me. I did remember how it would be at this point, back in the day, I would receive a tip. Usually a quarter, except in the case of one particular customer. That customer came every Friday like clockwork, every Friday she asked for me to assist her, and every Friday she gave me a dime ! I remember it well and smile every time I think about it.
Those were good days and good times. American society has changed over the years. Expectations have changed as well. Attitudes are quite a bit different. I think people were generally happier back then. It just may be that people were less likely to show negative emotions and put on a good front. I didn't sense such anger as I often encounter today. Maybe it is me, or maybe it is the times.
The pace was definitely slower. There was time for interaction with the customer. Employees often were heard saying, " may I help you with something ? " You just don't hear that much anymore. Groceries were taken out to the car, unless the customer declined such service. As a general observation of the public, which working at the grocery store affords me, I would have to say this. Society today is more confrontational than cordial. That is to say, I think we are becoming a nation of spoiled little brats. We have so much compared with a lot of others in the world and fail to appreciate that. We demand so much more. If we do not get whatever we want, we sue ! We file complaints and stage protests. We are bullies. All the while we talk about all the good causes we support, yet we will confront anyone that disagrees. Well that is how it is nowadays. I did get to visit 1969 yesterday and perhaps I will again today. That is the beauty of memory, is it not ?

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