Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm not sorry

In all things there should be a balance. Too much or too little is not a good thing. Lately, I have had it pointed out to me, that perhaps I am in the process of establishing some of that balance in life. I have been looking at it as gaining some wisdom and an awareness of some knowledge. Now I've been told that is true but only as a balance to what I may have done in the past. The only question then remaining is,is this balance proportional ? That is to say will my knowledge increase proportionate to the amount of dumb things I did years back ? If that is true, I guess I'll become a genius before this balance is achieved ! Somehow I do not think that is the case however. I do think there is a price to be paid, for everything. Another balancing of the scales.
The ancients and mystics talk about this balance. They have a name for it, karma. I believe in karma, what comes around ,goes around, is the American equivalent. It does make good common sense. To achieve this balance one must first establish the " tare " weight. The " tare " of course is the weight of the empty vessel, in this case me. All the wrongs and dumb things I have done thus far in my life has added to this " tare " weight. Enlightenment and knowledge are the products to balance this tare. I must now strive to obtain both. The task is not impossible but does require effort, effort and awareness. And, as it was pointed out to me, remembering the past and applying those lessons to the present. I admit to sometimes forgetting, or having selected memory, of certain times or events.
One must start with an honest appraisal of the tare weight. I think that alone is the largest impediment to success. It is a difficult thing to establish, this tare. The admission of your own shortcomings, without the desire to justify those actions, is the basis of enlightenment. Knowledge stems from that. The mere admission of wrongdoing is not enough. You need to understand just why it was wrong. I didn't know it then, but that is what Dad was trying to say when he sat me in the corner with this admonishment, " you just sit there and think about what you have done ! " Later he would come back and demand an explanation. Geez, I hated that part. I hated it more because I had to admit my own faults and those faults were received without sympathy. Saying sorry, just didn't cut it. I have come to realize that is true in life as well, saying sorry just isn't enough. Better to strive to never having to say you're sorry. Wasn't that a theme in a movie ? Love means never having to say you're sorry ? Ryan O'Neil and ?. Saw the film but didn't really understand the message back then.
Not all of the tare weight is a bad thing. The more of that, the good tare, you have, the less balancing you must do. Of course it does logically follow that all good must be balanced with bad. Now that is where the true dilemma lies. I can only hope I got all of the bad stuff over with years ago. The challenge should then be to not overcompensate ! Is it possible to be too good ? The answer would seem obvious, but then again, I thought some other answers were pretty obvious a few years back ! All is not as it would seem. In the end all we can hope for is balance. So, if I do something bad I'm just trying to balance the scales. All is not as it would seem.

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