Thursday, December 26, 2013

A Christmas of the finest kind

Christmas is a time for nostalgia. I, along with everyone else, get that warm feeling in our hearts. The remembrances of Christmases past and time shared with family and friends. I pulled out the old photographs and those memories all come flooding back. I even posted one on Facebook to share with others. It was fun to read the comments. There was mention of the curtains hanging at the window, Priscilla Curtains I believed they were called and the rolled cuffs on my brothers jeans. The Christmas tree sat there looking so festive, if not perfect in its' shape. Even though I was only four in that picture, I swear I can recall certain things. Funny, I can smell the carpet, guess I crawled on it so much that is embedded, and I can feel the texture. It was a rather coarse woven area carpet, made for durability not style. And the Angel atop the tree, I remember her well, that Plastic angel topped our tree for at least the next fifteen years or so. Sadly, I do not know her fate.
This year I determined to have what I called a " hard candy Christmas. " That song title jumped to mind but I was thinking about an old fashioned Christmas, not necessarily the sad lyrics to that tune. I even bought some hard candy and have enjoyed it. I looked at that picture and I noticed how our Christmas tree was so ill shaped. I smiled because I know that Dad and my brothers cut that tree down somewhere out in Northwest woods. It wasn't on a tree farm somewhere or sold in a parking lot. I know a portion of the ornaments on that tree were hand made as well. Little cut out paper stars and Santa Claus. You can't really tell from the photograph but I'm betting those bubble lights that Mom loved so much were there. And so this year at my home I tried to keep it basic. I used all the ornaments and decorations of old, but didn't add any new. I hosted an event I called, Caroling at the Cabin. On Christmas Eve my family assembled in front of the old log cabin kitchen located across the street from my place, and we sang Christmas Carols. We were joined by one other family, The Davis's, good friends. We sang and did have one passerby stop to listen. She was pushing a stroller with a small child that clapped and seemed to enjoy. The cabin is located next to a restaurant with a tavern. The customers of the tavern apparently enjoyed listening, although they didn't leave the confines of the bar ! They were putting there own form of Merry in Christmas.
The wife and I attended the Church play about the birth of Jesus and listened to the singing of the choir. We watched our grandchildren perform as well. Now, the gifts have been opened and more memories made. I am pleased to have had my " hard candy Christmas ". The simple things in life are indeed the best things. I hope your Christmas was as nice as mine.

Singing at the Cabin
L to R  Maria,Morgan,Me, and Mark

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