Tuesday, October 12, 2021

you're fired

 Heard on the news that Jon Gruden resigned from his head coaching job. That was the result of an investigation into his e-mails. Seems as though he had a habit of saying inappropriate things, offensive things. He apparently sounded like Archie Bunker in his communications. So, he wasn't fired, he resigned. And he did say he was sorry, he didn't mean to hurt anyone. Well, what else can you say. 
 I don't know the guy and don't really care about his issues either. I am surprised that anyone in his position, in this day and age, would be stupid enough to engage in such. Regardless of the main stream narrative, regardless of any programs, instructional videos, seminars and protests, there are people that speak in such a way. There will always be people speaking in such a way. I'm not excusing his speech, I'm amazed at his stupidity. You have to know that sooner or later someone is going to say something and your career is over. Does he genuinely hold those views about the groups he referenced? I don't know, maybe he does. but maybe it is all just a bad habit. I've certainly heard people say things that shocked me simply because they were in a group or trying to exert themselves. You know, talking tough! It doesn't excuse it but explains it. 
 You know it's a strange thing these days. One of the main talking points, a point that is stressed heavily these days, is do not judge! We are constantly told not to judge others words or actions because we can't know what they have gone through. They are survivors, victims of a system and have struggled mightily. We shouldn't judge them, well unless, they say something offensive then it's hammer time! Say a word or phase that offends and you are judged, found guilty, and punished immediately! There is no excuse, no explanation, no understanding in any of that! Jon Gruden is obviously a racist, homophobe, a horrible person judging by his e-mails! Guilty as charged without trial, without exception.
 I have seen meme's about this on Facebook and have to agree with them. I am glad I did most of my stupid stuff before the internet. There are only a few people around that can remember that and they don't have any proof. With Gruden they went back seven years in his e-mails. That's a tough standard, seven years without saying anything offensive to somebody. I've already been removed from Facebook several times for inappropriate opinions and facts. Yes, facts got me in trouble once, not supposed to mention certain things you know, goes against community standards. I was judged, found guilty and punished. Today we have decided to judge historical figures on texts hundreds of years old. Yes, some of those figures so admired fifty years ago have been shown to have held offensive views! OMG, tear that statue down. 
 Well as with everything it has to be judged in context. If you are writing a song or rap you can stream together as many offensive and derogatory words and phrases as you like. Probably get an award for doing so, you know being socially relevant. But don't do that in any other setting, it is reserved for "art." What was allowed and expected in social discourse a hundred years ago most likely won't be acceptable today. I recall when I was young you didn't say the word pregnant out loud in mixed company. You certainly didn't use the "f" bomb! Politicians didn't curse while campaigning either, saying things like damn. Gruden engaged in language that is unacceptable in todays world. He had to be aware of that. Should he be condemned as an evil and vile man? You be the judge, or not. As for me, I just think he figured he was above all of that, untouchable, among the elite. He is wrong. As to his private thoughts, private feelings and views, I really can't say. But I can say, generally you are what you are shown to be, despite your own feelings about that. I will judge others, based on the evidence. He is wrong and should have been fired! I would not have allowed him to resign, nope, you're fired.       

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