Monday, October 25, 2021


  I'm thinking I'll make this a short one. I saw some comment/meme about this critical race theory stuff. This meme was attempting to say I just didn't understand. I beg to differ, I understand completely. The United States of America was founded mostly by Europeans but included all nationalities and races in its' composition. It was even written into the founding documents, all men are created equal. There were those that didn't feel that way, no denying that. It was generally those that stood to make a profit off of others by exploiting their circumstances. Circumstances such as their fellow men selling them into slavery, or arriving in this country without any means of support and dependent upon others to provide for them. Those folks would exploit them for labor.  It was those people that seceded from the Union and composed their own Constitution for the Confederate States of America. They wrote in Article One, section nine, clause four: "No bill of attainer, ex facto, or law denying or impairing  the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed." As we all know a civil war was fought over that and the Union prevailed. It is estimated that one hundred and ten thousand union soldiers lost their lives in that war. Critical race theory would not be the law of the land, any land. The holding of slaves was a widespread practice in the 17th century. The color of those slaves mattered not a wit! It was only what profit could be generated from the holding of slaves that mattered. And it wasn't just in the United States of America that this practice was going on, in fact it is still going on today! It isn't a theory about race, it is a theory about making a profit.
 Now that is just the American experience. We are not the only nation on the planet. We are also not the only nation that allowed the holding of slaves and the exploitation of the unfortunate people that lacked, money and resources to establish themselves. We are also not the only nation in the world founded by white people! Many nations populated by every race on this earth have done the same. It isn't a theory, it is a fact. Yet now it is white Americans that are responsible for history, even before the United States even existed as a nation! Never mind the historical fact that it was Muslin traders, people of color, Arabs or whatever, that were purchasing these African slaves from other Africans and transporting them to the markets in the new world. And it wasn't only American markets! The theory there was simple enough, sell these people for a profit. 
 Well, I'm trying to keep it short so I'll just leave that here. Critical Race Theory is just a system to cause discrimination against white people. Yes, discrimination works both ways. The theory really is this, because our race was wronged in the past all white people, rich, poor, regardless of their family histories, should be held accountable. The only way equality will be achieved is when all people of color, regardless of their status, rich, poor, their family history, is given more than the white people have. That's only fair. It's a theory alright. It's nonsense.    

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