Wednesday, October 20, 2021

the last one?

 For no particular reason it came to me that the turn of the century was almost twenty two years ago. That doesn't seem possible. I remember vividly the concern that the computers would all crash, we would all lose our money and a host of other things. There was genuine concern. All that happened was I became a grandfather, my grandson Mark was born on the 368th day of the new millennium. He is in college now, where does the time go? Well I guess when you begin to think in terms of decades the calendar grows shorter. Isn't that a strange thing to consider? When you are a child a week is a long time, a month is forever and a year an eternity. Today, ten years ago was, just the other day. I have been aware that I graduated high school fifty years ago in talking with old friends and classmates, that is no surprise, but this millennium thing, it came to me as a surprise. Over twenty years ago? I spent forty six years in the last century, As to whether I make forty six in this one is questionable. And even if I do, I'm almost half way there! Well, it is what it is and as the saying goes, time marches on. The secret is to join the parade, don't stand there watching. 
 Speaking of watching, we all knew the Twentieth Century Fox brand. It has been renamed as Twentieth Television. There is no fox and no century involved. That happened after Disney acquired the brand. Fox still has a sports and news network however, it is not associated with Disney. The logo stays pretty much the same, the spotlights with the name underneath. Disney has changed as well, in my opinion. Appears to me that Disney has taken to exploiting child actors and singers more than entertaining children. Far more profitable I suppose, another sign of the times. Of course maybe it is just my age and sensibilities but a perception I have nonetheless. I admit to not watching many, really any, Disney shows these days. But still, I'm not hearing about any Shirley Temples or Annette Funicellos's. 
 Well it is a new millennium after all, things change. Superman has a gay son and Robin is gay also. If you are gay you have to broadcast that information, hold parade and rallies to support of all that. I haven't figured out why that is, seems to me it worked fine on a need to know basis, certainly was a lot less controversy back then. And there is also the push to advertise being transgender too, like I need to know about that! Well, as I said, it's a new millennium. 
 The last one started out with a world war, the war to end all wars, until we had the second world war. That was followed by an era of prosperity unmatched in history. By mid-century the wheels started getting a little loose. Life was getting just a little too easy with all those modern conveniences. With the building of the interstate highway system. That began in 1956, when I was just three and wasn't declared complete until 1992. I was thirty nine then and didn't even notice! That highway system enabled people to move about the country far easier, commuting to work began in earnest. More money to be made in the big cities, more shopping, more entertainment. Mom and Pop stores began to close their doors. No more wars were declared, we just sent troops to fight and die in other countries for political reasons alone. By the time we reached two thirds of the way through that last millennium our returning troops were being spit at and vilified at every turn. Social norms began to break down. In 1999 we started worrying about Y2K. Jack Korvorkian was found guilty of second degree murder for assisting in a suicide. Today it is legal in ten states! 
 Now we are in the new millennium. What is there to report? In 2008 we all got "woke." Yup, that's the big thing I see so far this century. This "woke" culture that is going to destroy everything if not brought in check. Just how that will happen I don't have a clue. When you nurture a society of dependence, entitlement and victim mentality, I don't believe you can expect too much positive to come from that. And that is exactly what I see. I am seeing the end of the Republic. I hate to say that, hate to admit that, but in the final analysis I can reach no other conclusion without something drastic happening to change the course. That the America I grew up in is in decline can not be disputed. Set aside political parties, racial tensions, income inequity, and all that stuff and just look at what is happening. Crime is on the rise and chaos is going to be the result. Many people are already complaining about lack of services, lack of entitlements. Many people over the centuries have warned us, a Republic will only last between two hundred and two hundred and fifty years. History itself shows us that if we but look. We are now 245 years old if you start counting at 1776 when the declaration was signed. I would say the Republic didn't really begin until Washington became our first President, that would be when? 1789, two hundred and thirty two years ago, so we still have time. This is the fourth millennium since our founding. It may be the last.  

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