Monday, October 18, 2021

Just a fact

  It's an amazing thing how people will defend their position. I posted a simple scientific fact, expressing that fact in several ways, and yet I had those arguing with that fact. I wonder what the point is? If something is a fact, it is just a fact, whether you like it, love it, agree with it, or disagree with it, it remains a fact. The fact I posted was, vaccinated or unvaccinated you can still spread the virus and disease. It's a simple scientific fact, nothing more than that. I explained that even when you are inoculated against a disease that does not eliminate the disease. The disease still exists and can still infect everyone. In the case of say, the polio vaccine, it has proven to be a very effective defense against that crippling disease. The disease itself still exists and if you don't get inoculated against it you may come down with it. I even put it another way, saying a roof keeps the rain off your head but it doesn't stop it from raining. The objective of any vaccine is to protect the individual from the infection, not to prevent you from being infected. We haven't figured out a method to eliminate all harmful virus's and bacteria from the world! Not even by wearing a mask and using hand sanitizer. Nope, those pesky things still exist in the world. The absolute best thing we can pray for is natural immunity. That immunity is granted from a much higher power than any Doctor or Scientist. Who gets it is a mystery, along with a lot of things in this world. Hey, Biden is the President, so. 
 But anyway, I got responses from those that believe I should be vaccinated to save them. I really don't understand their thinking about that given a simple fact, yeah, the one I pointed out to them. Still I hear this theory. If people get infected with the virus that will cause the virus to mutate. Okay, that sounds reasonable enough, the seasonal flu does that every year, hence the need for the scientists to take their best guess as what formula to inject every year. I'm no scientist and admit to not understanding a great deal of this medical stuff but I do know one thing, a virus tries to invade your system. That's what they do, try to make you sick. If they are prevented from doing that they will mutate and attempt to attack in another way. The current vaccine appears to be somewhat effective, but the race for boosters is on. Are they really boosters or just different formulations? For me, the research was rushed, we are trying an experimental therapy, and it is being forced upon the masses for no good reason. I don't have any doubt that the virus exists, I have no doubt that it can be deadly, I have no doubt that the vaccine may be providing some protection and I am not opposed to anyone receiving that, if that is what they want. I'm just saying, you getting the jab is not destroying the virus, it is not stopping the spread, so quit trying to say otherwise. Look if I wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle whose head am I protecting? By you forcing me to wear that helmet is that protecting you? No, but the law has imposed that restriction why? Out of concern for me? No, it is just a bunch of virtue signaling and another source of revenue should I fail to comply. It's the same thing with this vaccine! That's just the simple fact of the matter. I say, make your own choice when it doesn't effect or endanger anyone else. To repeat a simple fact, vaccinated or not you can spread the virus, be a host, and cause the virus to mutate. I can't say for sure, but seems to me the vaccinated people would be the ones more likely to cause a mutation, if I can get infected with the present strain no need for a new one right? Seems logical to me. That is what happens with the common cold, which is a coronavirus by the way, and the reason you can catch a cold every year, sometimes more than once. I suspect it is also the reason we do not have a vaccine for that. And by the way, the survival rate for Covid is over 98%, not really quite as deadly as some would have you believe. You are far more likely to die from a non-communicable disease, like cancer or heart disease. Yet the majority of people still eat those cheeseburgers, drink copious amounts of beer and liquor, smoke cigarettes, cigars and marijuana. No mandates from government that anyone stop any of those behaviors. Sure would reduce the cost of medical care wouldn't it? How many lives saved? Well, we won't talk about facts.       

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