Tuesday, October 19, 2021

a convenient life

 Apparently it has been a thing for a while but I noticed it first yesterday. On a big sign in the window it was being advertised, McDelivery! You can now get your Big Mac delivered to your door. I had to laugh thinking I guess the competition is getting fierce. Then I thought, well I guess that is a job to replace those lost by the kiosks'. It's all about convenience you know, and speed. Yes, fast food. 
 Flash back to the 1960's in rural America. Dad decided, for a special treat, we would order a Pizza. So picking up that rotary dial telephone he called Ma Bergman's restaurant and Pizza. He was told he could pick it up in about twenty minutes. Delivery wouldn't be a thing in my town for another ten years or so. And as near as I can recall pizza came with or without onions and pepperoni. Other toppings? I couldn't say. But I do recall early on there were only two places to get pizza, the aforementioned Ma Bergmans or Sams Bar and Grill. I wasn't aware of it at the time but turns out they were related. Bergmans pizza was still better. That was my introduction to fast food though. Later on several places offered pizza, Brothers Four comes to mind and a place close to the bowling alley whose name escapes me at the moment. 
 But I was remembering all of that as I drove home from McDonalds. My family never went out to eat, ever. Not even once. When I was in high school I would get lunch downtown, at Speeds. Different groups of kids went to different paces for lunch. The Marmador was for the "cool" kids. My parents thought it was waste of money for what I was getting. Large french fries and a coke for a dollar. Could get a more wholesome meal cheaper at the school cafeteria. Buying out, like a Pizza, was something special, and a bit frivolous. 
 It came to me that after that we had the drive up fast food places, McDonalds among them, although not where I lived. You drove to the place, walked up to the window and placed that order. They would have the burgers and fries sitting there, under heat lamps, ready to go. Man, that was fast! I had seen in the movies where in California they brought the stuff to your car, that would be cool. But back then you didn't want to go to a McDonlads as they weren't very nice, questionable hygienic practices. Then they cleaned up their act, added indoor seating and all of that. Just like a real restaurant. After getting many complaints about the food being cold and old, they began grilling it to order. Soon you were sitting at the table, waiting for your order, just like a real restaurant. Well, except they called your number and you had to go get it yourself. And, of course, you could just drive up to the window and eat that food in your car! Now wasn't that something? Get it to go. 
 As I remembered that progression of convenience from calling in your pie order to the various ways you could get your food, I couldn't help but think, McDonald home delivery, kinda defeats the whole purpose doesn't it? Why was fast food invented in the first place? The original idea was to drive up and get your food quickly. No calling ahead, no waiting for it, just get it and go! Then we wanted a place to sit, a full menu of items freshly prepared. Now we don't even want to leave the house! Makes you wonder why not just cook your meal yourself? Cheaper that way, and more wholesome too. Of course it does require effort I suppose, something we certainly want to avoid whenever possible. Life should be convenient!
 Going out to eat, whether at a real restaurant or some fast food joint was a treat, a convenience. It cost a bit more but was exciting and fun. As I mentioned when I was a kid just getting a pizza was somewhat of a big deal. It wasn't something you did often that much was certain, as a result, it was special. I do think all this convenience we enjoy today has removed a bit of the special from life. Just getting fresh popped popcorn was a bit of a chore when I was a kid. Then came Jiffy Pop and how easy was that? Just getting a bottle of soda was a treat back then. Having food delivered to your door. by a stranger? I don't think so. I'm so old I remember when potato chips were just potato chips, without eighteen flavors or options. It was convenient though, "pick up a bag of chips" make them Wise potato chips. Okay, got it. Didn't realize it growing up but now I know, life was a special occasion back then, today it's more convenient, but no where near as much fun.              

1 comment:

  1. Nope, they were not blood relations, but had a working relationship prior to Ma Bergman opening her restaurant. Might be good to check with a relative before making claims that some have relatives that AREN'T. :-} Like you pointed out the other day, FACTS are important...and THAT is a FACT
