Monday, October 11, 2021

bet on it

 You've probably heard about shortages expected for the Christmas season. There is genuine concern because of the number of cargo ships waiting to be unloaded. Well I can tell you this much, something will change and change quickly. When commerce begins to be impacted, actions will be taken. The politicians are currently arguing over the federal debt and raising that limit. A stop gap agreement has been reached for the moment. You keep hearing about the shortage of workers that just don't want to go to work. Some people are surprised by all of that, I'm not. When you can get as much, if not more, by just staying home, people will hesitate. Throw in a mandate or two to make that choice even more inconvenient, or provide another excuse, and the situation will only get worse. But commerce must continue and incentives to go back to work will be implemented. Sign on bonuses are already being offered to many. It's a bribe. Come back to work so we can make more money, we will give you a small piece of that. We'll get it back later on you can be sure of that, even if we have to recoup that from government sources ie: tax you! But you won't see that because you are so happy with your pay raise. 
 They have threatened your life, covid will kill you! Never mind the survival rate being over 98%, this stuff is deadly. They have threatened the life of everyone you love or care about, they will all die and it will be your fault! They have closed down businesses they decided weren't essential. That didn't include liquor stores,  casinos or Walmart. Why was that? Because that is where the middle and low income people spend their money, that's why. The really wealthy people weren't affected at all. In fact, they even threw us poor folks a bone or two to show how much they care. Then they kept your children out of school and church! It's too dangerous. The elderly, we are told is especially at risk, but they (government) killed off a bunch of them in nursing homes saying it was covid in every single case. No more heart attacks, no seasonal flu, no cancer, no other causes, just covid! And now they are mandating compliance! Get that shot or else! But it is getting desperate now, prices are rising, and even Biden supporters are getting nervous about all of this. And Christmas, the revenue season, is almost upon us! You can get an exemption from that shot, maybe. You will have to prove you believe! Think about that. The government is now saying you will have to provide proof positive that you have a sincere religious belief. The last time that happened was during the Vietnam era with conscientious objectors. You had to convince a board that you were sincere. Testimony from Priest and Pastors and other "important and upstanding citizens" was required. Then you might be granted an exemption from combat or from serving at all, depending upon the opinion of the board. Of course, at the same time if you were in college and your family had money and influence that wasn't necessary at all, you were exempt. No need to prove your intentions to actually study and graduate from college, no just going was enough.
 The whole thing is about compliance. That's what this really is. Vaccine compliance! Now as to whether this vaccine is actually effective, actually necessary or actually doing a thing is subject to interpretation. Whether this vaccine will have long term negative effects is not known, how can it be when it was developed and distributed in record time? Just read today were Pfizer has decided to inoculate an entire city in Brazil as a test of all that. The company states, they will monitor the results for years. Sounds great doesn't it? Yeah, force a vaccine upon the world population and we'll keep an eye on it. Then I'm called, hesitant and a science denier. Appears to me that Pfizer hasn't proven that their vaccine is safe but I'm supposed to prove my faith. You do realize that when these companies are given emergency use authorization that includes exemptions from then being sued should things go wrong, right? That's right, you assume the risk although the government is issuing the mandate. Pretty convenient isn't it? 
 Still the bottom line will be revenue. It will be money that eventually forces the hand. The wealthy can wait the longest that's obvious. Remember it is the wealthy folks that are making the rules too. They aren't any poor people in Congress. In the end those folks will do whatever is necessary to retain their positions, and their wealth. It's a dangerous game. Will withholding Christmas work? Will that gain compliance? Maybe. The last resort will be denying people the "sins" they all crave. When you can't buy cigarettes, booze, gamble, or buy whatever consumer goods you want, something will change. Either the population submits and becomes compliant, or Covid is conquered! One or the other will happen, you can bet on that.  

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