Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 Another attack on freedom of speech has been launched. Facebook is at the epicenter of this attack, at the moment. That this insidious plan will spread across multiple platforms is only a matter of time. The first attack was launched by former employee Frances Haugen in testimony before Congress. Being called a "whistleblower" it has a familiar ring to it. Yes, her name is being released but the term "whistleblower" is being applied to insinuate what? That there is some wrongdoing going on. She has also been labeled an informant, although that has somewhat of a negative connotation so not used as readily. Her accusation of wrongdoing by Facebook? There are operating the company for profit! Yes, that is the big wrongdoing, they have utilized research, incorporated logarithms, and did so in the interest of making a profit. Why it's unconscionable. 
 And now another potential "whistleblower" has emerged from the shadows. Sophie Zhang, another former employee of three years working as a data scientist, that was fired. She had submitted a 7800 word diatribe through a memo leveling accusations that Facebook was doing nothing to stop hate and misinformation. She also says she has proof that foreign governments were using fake media accounts to influence public opinion! Facebook is complicit in all of this by allowing users to say and post whatever they want! In short, Facebook is failing to censor content that she  feels should be censored! 
 I have written about this stuff before, no surprise to anyone that reads my blogs, I do repeat myself, I'm old. Now I have been "censored" "blocked" from posting on Facebook several time for violating their community policy. I don't like it but have always said the same thing in response, it's their platform, their ball and if I want to play the game I have to follow their rules. It really is that simple. I am free to post whatever I want elsewhere and so I don't feel censored in a general sense. No different than hollering fire in a crowded theater, it's not allowed. I can go outside and holler fire if I want to! 
 What those people are testifying to Congress about is implementing government control of speech on social media platforms. No different than government controlling the press back before anyone could "publish" their thoughts, opinions and beliefs on the world wide web. What is being published should rightly and justly be the decision of whoever is publishing that material. That is freedom of the press. I can publish my thoughts, opinions and beliefs regardless of your thoughts, opinions or beliefs. 
 The federal government has never banned a book in the United States. Yes books have been banned on the state and local level, most often on the local level but never a universal ban. The books banned were always done so for "moral" reasons. It was misinformation, it was someone, some group of someone's, being uncomfortable with the subject matter. Facebook established its' community standards to regulate what they, as a corporation, will allow. That is the central issue here, should the government control what is being published? 
 What we are talking about, in reality, is the control of influence. The ability to shape the thinking of the population. Advertisers do that relentlessly and research shows it works! That's the reason over two hundred and forty billion dollars is spent on advertising every year in the United States. Wanna talk about influence? And that is the chief complaint from these so called "whistleblowers" The platform is being used to influence the public. It's fine when that influence promotes the government agenda, ie: vaccine mandates, but not good when any information is offered to contradict that. 
 What is the primary influence to the general public? Money. That is the short and sweet answer to that. If I were to win the lottery today and become a billionaire my influence would certainly be felt. Yes, no doubt I would be "discovered" as the next great philosopher and offers to publish my works would proliferate, as long as I was willing to pay. I could buy all the influence I wanted. If I made it known that I would engage in philanthropy I would certainly have a line outside my door. It would be like Home on the Range, where never would be heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day. 
 Influence, to cause another person to react in a certain way. Everyone and everything, animate and inanimate, does that every day. When I say, Good Morning, I am influencing your thoughts. When it is cold outside, that's an influence. When we read something, we are influenced. We judge the value of that information based on what? The person saying it and the credentials they bring to the table. How much do complete strangers, on social media, influence your decisions? That certainly depends upon your personality. There are those that are independent and those that are dependent. The government would prefer you dependent. If government can control influence, it can control! Read that again. if government can control influence, it can control. 
 How do you control influence? You control information. You restrict what information may be presented. You segregate, discriminate and punish those not being influenced in the way you wish. It's called compliance. Control people and business. forced compliance. Create dependence. You can only conduct business under the terms I apply.
 How have you been influenced? Was it fear of death, fear of losing your job, or was it gaining a few hundred dollars for compliance? Were you influenced by Dr. Faucci? Perhaps it was the Governor of Maryland extolling you, "wear the damn mask." Was the guilt laid at your feet because you weren't caring? You have to do this, not for you, but for humanity? Was that the influence? Or was it simply social pressure? Well as for me I have listened to all the advertisements, I've read the reports, and I have been influenced. I've decided to just wait a while and see how this experiment turns out. I'm not buying, not yet. That's not to say I won't one day, just not today. I won't be bullied into buying anything. I'm not that easily influenced, I guess.          

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