Thursday, January 7, 2021

We the People

 “An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.”

― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
When I sat down to write this morning it was in my mind to not talk about what happened yesterday in the capital. There is no justifying that, no excuse, no reason. I was surprised that it did come to that as I did have more faith in our system. All the legal maneuvers had been exhausted with no results. In my opinion a deaf ear had been turned to every challenge. The die had been set. What we all saw was frustration boiled over into anger. Yes, there was some violence, some destruction of property, but it wasn't a riot comparable to many that have taken place. All in all it remained rather peaceful. As peaceful as a mob of thousands can be expected to be. What we witnessed was the result of four years of opposition. From the announcement that Trump had won the election to the announcement that the current election would be certified, regardless of any questionable practices or selection of electors, was the last straw. It exploded.
That quote from Steinbeck came to mind and what it was talking about. It is something I have said in a different way for a long time now. Perception is often stronger than reality. For those that just don't understand why this happened that is the case. Make no mistake about it, if it isn't perfectly clear to you by now, there are millions of Americans who genuinely believe the election was stolen by some nefarious means. It makes no difference what you believe, the reality is what they believe! And that is what happened yesterday. The talking was over, the result inevitable. Those believing the election was stolen also believe that justice was thwarted at every turn. The courts refused to even listen to the evidence. That is my perception of that and in my opinion at the crux of the matter. Had the courts listened to the evidence, given the opposition every opportunity to present their cases, the outcome may have been completely different. I'm not saying the verdict would have been different just that the perception would have been changed. The perception now is that the people were not heard! The people were ignored, rolled over by a political machine. A machine that began its' assault on the system four years ago.
The whole issue here is that we do not know the truth. That is what is in question, more so than the actual election result. The perception being, the truth is being hidden from the common man. Only the wealthy, the politically connected, and representatives know the truth. There was just too much doubt. That doubt was fueled by the main stream media at every turn. Social media outlets added to that as well. A trust has been broken and it is a trust I fear will never be regained.
The focus will be on the wrongdoing, and it was wrong on many levels. Still we must remember that passionate people, people that really believe in something, even when that something may not be the reality, will react to that. You can talk about it all day long but the bottom line is really a simple one. There are millions of Americans that believe their Freedom is being threatened, that their freedom is being abridged in some fashion. It is the same feeling as the colonists had in 1773 when they threw that tea into Boston harbor. Tea, something that to them was very valuable, a necessity, like having a cell phone is to us today, thrown away because their money was being effected. Yes, that's the bottom line. Taxation without representation is tyranny! And in the eyes of those protesting yesterday stealing an election is the same thing as taxing the tea! That is the emotion we are seeing here.
There are those proclaiming the system worked. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be inaugurated on January the twentieth. The millions that support that are jubilant at the moment. I get it, you won. But there are millions that feel just as strongly in the other way. Is there a way trust in the voting process can be restored? Of that I have serious doubts. I've watched as morality, ethics, and just plain common sense have been cast aside. The America of my youth no longer exists. Churches have been shuttered in favor of science, Marriage redefined. I have posted this before and it is something I wholeheartedly believe to be the truth, John Adams Quotes on Government “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
We now have legislators willing to subvert that Constitution. But, we the people, do have another avenue to take. It's called a Convention of the States, a process whereas we the people can throttle the power of the Congress and the President. Sign that petition. That is what the course of action should be at this time. We the People, can do this. 

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