Saturday, January 9, 2021

Let's do it

 To predict the future one only need study the past. That's pretty much how it works. We predict results based on actions taken in the past. It's how the brain works and to a lesser extent how computers work. Based on actions taken the other day I predict a change for the future. What did we all witness? That is what everyone is asking, and what everyone is pontificating about. It's an attempt to explain human emotion. But it isn't as easy as it would appear. Emotion such as was witnessed the other day was the result of a slow burn. Frustration boiled to the surface. Emotions ruled the day and tragic results were the result. It is often so and many examples can be seen in history. It really is as I have said in the past, " emotions are great motivators but seldom good guides." 
 I admit to not expecting a direct assault on the capital. That there was much protest, anger, frustration and angst anyone could plainly see. But the seeds of such had been planted at least four years ago, perhaps the very moment Trump came down that escalator and announced his intention to run for president. An announcement met with scorn, derision, and even amusement by the majority. I said it then and still believe it to this day. Trump had no expectation of winning the office. In my opinion it was just a display of ego that lead him down that path. It could certainly be viewed as a good business choice, lots of money and exposure. But the whole thing got out of hand when it became obvious he could win. The left never believed he had a chance, the left really was left shocked and speechless. That is why we saw the assault on Trump go on in an unrelenting manner. The assault continues yet. My point is simply, the seeds were planted and this is the fruit of those seeds. All the investigations, all the allegations, an impeachment attempt, attacks on his family, his business partners, attacks on his character and a relentless assault by the media. All of that lead to what happened.
 The question now is how to move forward from that. It is my feeling more action by the left, such as an impeachment attempt, will only raise the emotional level in the country. I don't believe a promise of a few thousand dollars is going to stop that. The congress has spoken whether you agree with that or not. The process has been completed. Joe Biden will be sworn is as the next president on January the twentieth. It has to be so. Trump has said he won't be attending. I recall when the left refused to attend and they called that "taking a stand." It makes no difference one way or another, the process will be completed. If the left continues to poke at a sore, that sore will fester, and eventually the infection spread. It is my belief if this continues we will see much worse. I pray that I am wrong, but the writing on the wall plain to see. 
 A great majority of Americans are just fed up with all of this. The time is fast approaching for a reckoning. If you harbor any doubts look to the leaders. What are they doing? They are scrambling for refuge. The left is strengthening the fortress, soon DC will become a state. Why is that important? The sole reason will be to create a protected state, guarded by the National Guard and/or Federal troops. The elite will live in their protected citadel. Those that did support Trump are jumping ship. They can't distance themselves fast enough. Lacking moral courage and intestinal fortitude they have exposed their true stripes. It is only the beginning. 
 But there is a remedy. Article five of the Constitution provides we the people with that remedy. We the people can drain that swamp! We the people control the Congress. That is the first lesson the American people need to learn and understand fully. For too long we have allowed the education system to teach that this country is a Democracy. It is not! It is a constitutional Republic, a form of government unique in the world. A government controlled by the people! It is not controlled by Congress or the Supreme Court. That can only happen however, by petition. You have to sign the petition and insist upon that petition being filed. That is vitally important! Listen, if you believe the votes were incorrectly tabulated, if you believe there was some sort of fraud committed, that there were irregularities, you need to act now! We can't trust the lawmakers to acknowledge that petition! If we can't trust the system to accurately count votes how can we trust them to acknowledge the legitimacy of the petition?  Article five is the last hope to restore the Republic. We have reached a tipping point in history. It is as Franklin said, "if you can but keep it." He was talking about the Republic, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Are you willing to surrender that because you hate one man so much? Are you willing to surrender that for a few thousand dollars? Are you willing to surrender that because it is just easier to relent rather than fight for your beliefs? Just go with whatever and whoever promises you the most? 
 Consider this. What is the platform of the Democratic party? What is it really. Open borders, redistribution of wealth, basically where everyone is now equally as poor, well except for the ruling elites, they will be fine. A party whose platform doesn't support traditional moral values, whose ethics includes creating fake documents and wire taping your opponents, who approves of censorship. A party that supports such notions as multiple genders! Just what is their platform? The destruction of the Republic is the short answer. The Democrats want to wrest control from the people and place it squarely in their hands alone. If you really listen to their platform it is obvious. Think of it like when you were a child and your friends wanted you to do something. What tactics did they use? First they promised you something, anything you wanted in fact, if you refused the name calling began. if you resisted that threats of violence followed. Just give in and you won't be hurt. And when you gave in what happened? They came back for more. Did you get what was promised? Probably not. John Adams said, " Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is totally inadequate to the government of any other." I can't see the left as either of those. Moral and Religious? No, I can't see that expressed in any of there rhetoric. Morality and religious conviction require restraint. Self restraint and a firm belief in a power greater than yourself. 
 We have to utilize the tool that has been provided by that constitution. Article Five was included for just such a situation as we find ourselves in now. We can preserve the Republic. Violence is never the answer. Violence is always the response. That is what the second amendment is all about. Defending yourself. Defending your nation. It isn't about attacking anyone, it is al about defending yourself. Article five is the avenue to change the constitution. Those changes have to be made in response to those things the founders didn't want to believe would ever happen. They knew it was possible, but didn't want to believe. Our representatives no longer represent the people. They have ensconced themselves in those roles and their concern is to remain in control. In fact once elected incumbent members of the house , all 435 members, will be reelected at the lowest level 90% of the time. 90% is the lowest and it has been as high as 98%. It was 95% in 2020. Jefferson and Adams, Monroe and the rest never dreamed that it would that way. There vision was citizen legislators,  meeting once or twice a year, not one man or woman for forty, fifty or more years. Those people aren't representing you ands I, they are representing themselves. That is the reason they flip flop around like a bunch of fish out of water. We need to take control back! Article Five. 
 We can't accomplish anything by tearing things down. We will not gain control of the government by violence. All that will do is create a civil war. We can however effect change through the constitution. We the people make the laws here! It's time. I said it before, I wrote it before, it's time. Sign the petition, check on it often. demand answers. Insist that it be placed on the ballot. Call for a special election to vote on that nationally! Let's make it a single line item on the docket of the Supreme Court. Demand Congress act upon that. Let's all insist that is a top priority for the 117th Congress of the United States. The 117th Congress is a Congress of the people! Let's make our voices heard in that chamber loud and clear. I want to see Nancy Pelosi handed a petition signed by millions of Americans demanding term limits on all members of Congress. I want to see a petition handed to Nancy Pelosi demanding a balanced budget. I want to see Nancy Pelosi handed a petition demanding all members of congress receive exactly the same benefits as those on Social Security. All of that can be done with an Article five convention. Let's do it.      

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