Sunday, January 10, 2021

media and money

  I wrote a blog earlier this morning as is my habit. Turned out to be quite a lengthy one. Anyway I fouled up somehow and that blog disappeared into cyberspace. I doubt it will ever be found. Oh well, perhaps it was an omen. I haven't really met with the censors wrath just yet, but expect it at any time. Of course they don't call it by that name, it's called moderation. Your comments will be moderated. I think that is more of a social media thing though, blogger hasn't been effected yet as far as I can tell. I might be safe expressing actual facts here, not so much on Facebook. But whatever the case is, I did write a blog and now will try again.
 Having just written that blog you would think I could simply write it again. No, it doesn't work that way with me. My compositions just roll out as I type. It's almost like my subconscious is forming the words. I read over what I wrote and publish what I agree with. Surprisingly I don't always agree and get in an argument with myself. Doesn't matter though, I always win those arguments. I'm right. I'm certainly confident even when I'm not confident I'm certain. But the gist of what I was writing about this morning was the placing of blame. I was thinking about what causes us to act, react or do nothing at all. In the movies and on stage we have the actors. Their job is to get a reaction from the audience. To evoke an emotional response. The really good ones moves us to action of our own. What we sometimes call inspiration. Mediocre ones may entertain briefly but just don't have that lasting impression. So what moved the people to react as they did on Wednesday in the capital? What actor? 
 That actor, in my opinion , is the main stream media and to a lesser degree, social media, although I could argue the opposite is true. I'll debate myself about that later on. But my thinking is that the media inspired that reaction over the last four years. It was just a culmination, the finale, in a narrative of hate. The people reacted, perhaps in an unexpected fashion, but that is what it was. It was the reaction to four years of investigations, allegations, impeachment, personal attacks and unfounded accusations. The perception being a fraud had been committed. We don't know if there was fraud or not, not really, because it wasn't allowed to be investigated. That is the perception, if not the reality. No different than the actors in a play, the response was elicited. The media, in various outlets fed that over a four year period. 
 Now Trump had the stage for four years. His actions caused some to be concerned for one reason, and one reason only, money. Trump is not a politician, he is a business man. His objective, his goal, is to be profitable. He isn't concerned with popularity, he is concerned with money. Money is power. That's also why he does the things he does, to make money. But the bottom-line is his approach to the presidency was to make America profitable. That, to him, is success. It also means that tough choices have to be made, feathers ruffled and feelings get hurt. The politicians, on both sides were understandably nervous. There money was being threatened! What if this President doesn't play ball?  Backroom deals and kickback schemes may no longer be honored! America first! So the assault began. At first he must have cheated. No real evidence of that so they create some. The media hypes that relentlessly. He wants to secure the border. He's a racist! Then not only a racist, he's a nationalist! And a nationalist is a Nazi. More accusations, more allegations follow. Impeachment is a failure. Still the media reports impeachment as a crime, not as a procedure. Never mind reporting that the impeachment itself, the procedure, failed to prove anything. 
 Now Joe Biden will become the next president of the United States. A simple statement of fact. What sort of actor is he? What actions will he take? Based upon a 47 year career you shouldn't be expecting much. The media will declare anything he does as akin to a miracle, the savior has arrived. Really? That's what the media will be proclaiming though. ask yourself this, can Joe Biden stand upon the world stage and be taken seriously? I don't think so, the man can't put a coherent sentence together. Yes, the media will tell you he misspoke. Do you think foreign powers will accept that explanation? Does Joe give the impression of a man that is resolute? Remember perception is often stronger than reality. That was borne out last Wednesday. The people believe the election was fraudulent! Perception ruled that day! 
 But a day of reckoning will arrive, I'm confident of that. When the media is no longer profitable spewing forth their liberal agenda, it will change. The media will begin to explain the benefits of a more conservative view. Yes, it's true, people are far more conservative with their own money than they are with others. When the economy is tanking, social programs collapsing, and society turns ugly, attitudes will change. A convention of the states is coming, be patient. The wheels of justice do turn slowly but will turn. The media is responsible for this. Censoring the media isn't the cure but that is what you are going to hear. Don't be fooled. Silencing the people will not fix the problem only add power to it. The whole problem with Trump? He meant business! And that, that was the issue. He was threatening the way business had been handled. Then he started making America a profitable organization once again. America was being the stern parent to the world! We started saying no. The Democrats want to allow cheap labor into the country, that's what fuels their economy. Trump said, no. The Democrats wanted to send more money, more supplies, more aid to foreign nations that hate us. Trump said, no. The Democrats called our enemies our "brothers" and Trump said, no. Foreign powers threatened us with missile testing and shows of force. Trump responded by saying, bring it on, rocket man. He also froze the assets on those with bad intentions. Trump said, no. And that, that is the whole problem as far as the liberal Democrats were concerned. They can't enrich themselves by saying saying no. And so they are jubilant right now. 
 They have their Yes man in office. He'll be replaced in short order by another, the first woman president. The house already has a bill to change the terms applied. She will just do as directed satisfied with the title of first. A Yes woman. She does have a bit of history in saying yes. She said it often and always to her benefit. Name one legislative accomplishment she can claim. I'll wait. But the day is coming when the American people will say, no. The Congress will have to listen and to respond. I'll be among the millions that say, no more. I'm looking forward to the day. This squabble isn't about who is president. This squabble is about who runs the government. The answer is still We the People! It's time to get back to business people. That begins with cleaning out the slackers, lackeys, and dead weight in government. A new Congress needs to be called to session. Our government has become unwieldy, in efficient, and detrimental to our basic human rights. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. Let's fix that first!  

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