Sunday, January 3, 2021


 Plagiarism is when you knowingly copy someone else's work and take credit for that. Joe Biden was famously caught doing just that, on at least two occasions. Once he had to drop out of a presidential race because of that. I do wonder why anyone would do that. To me, it is akin to what they call stolen valor. Trying to take credit for something you never did. 
 Now I do my best to identify any quotes I may include in my writings. Many times they are idioms that can not be attributed to any one person. When I feel like I have composed a "quote" for lack of a better term I will often Google that thought to see what results I get. It isn't unusual for me to find one or more that are quite similar. That lead me to write this observation, "there isn't much you can say that hasn't been said before." I truly believe that and find more proof of it everyday. That doesn't stop me from saying it though. Another observation I have made is, people really like to hear what they are thinking. That is to say, to read what they are thinking. I get that, it is a sort of affirmation. If someone else says that, it must be true. It's also the basis for gossip. The old double edged sword thing. 
 I haven't found a word for that. What to call it when you have an original thought that isn't original, but you believe it to be original. Know what I mean? It is rather surprising at times when I learn who said it first. When someone famous had the same thought as you just had, but had it sooner, but you didn't know that, you thought you had it first. For me it always lowers their genius. What I mean is, maybe they weren't as smart as I thought they were. I mean, I had the same idea. The only difference being, a whole lot of people agreed with them. A fascinating thing to me how that happens. 
 Popularity is a bit of a mystery to me. It isn't something I seek, but something I enjoy. I'd be lying to say otherwise. Who doesn't want other people to like them? The mystery to me is how that happens. If you have a lot of money to give away you can enjoy popularity. Lots of people will be your friend. Other people will choose to be your friend for a variety of reasons. One of them can be, you're popular. Isn't that strange? I guess that is part of the sheep mentality some people embrace. Hey if enough people like it, I will too. I have an issue with that personally. I just like what I like and seldom bow to fad or fashion. Isn't that also a form of plagiarism? It's certainly copying what someone else has already done. So just what is the secret to being popular? Is it something you can gain, or is it something given. I believe the later would have to be the case. Popularity is bestowed upon you by fate. Some are destined, some are not. 
 As with everything else in the world there is good and bad. Popularity is no different. With popularity comes expectation from others. You are then pressured to perform, to continue to provide whatever commodity it is that you are providing. It makes no difference what that commodity may be, music, art, literature, or fashion. It just doesn't make any difference. In my experience I have found popularity is best enjoyed briefly, in moderation. Moderation in all things. It isn't a specific quotation from the Bible although often attributed to that book, but was expressed by some old Greek guy whose name I don't remember. It does rather seem like common sense though. Too much of a good thing is the same thought. I'm happy to say I haven't overindulged in the popularity department. It's a good thing really, the fall from the top must be a hard one. Not that good things can't come with popularity, they certainty can. There is a common thread in all of that, being heard. When you are popular, people hear you. The number that listen defines your popularity. The value of what you are saying determines the longevity of that popularity. 
 All these thoughts went through my mind as I considered just why Biden gained as many votes as he did. We can argue and dispute those numbers all day long but it won't change a thing. Why did he get them in the first place? I'd say it was all based on promises. That is the stock and trade of all politicians. The issue with Trump was and is he is not a politician. He came on the scene and told people what he planned to do. His promises were more about fixing what he perceived to be wrong than giving people something new. He is like a stern parent! I don't care what little Billy did, I'm telling you what you are going to do. Sure did ruffle a lot of feathers. He was called, mean. Yes the press attacked the mean man for his austere policies. They decided they didn't like him, he became unpopular. He became so unpopular, it was popular to dislike him. Never mind any achievements accomplished, that is all secondary to the one thing, popularity. And now it is even more popular to dislike him. The evidence of that is watching former supporters fleeing from him like rats on a sinking ship. After all, an ex-president is of little use in the political arena. Well an unpopular ex-president is anyway. An ex-president that accomplished little in eight years in office but enjoyed popularity for his policies is an asset. The mob loves him, the press continues to extoll his virtues. What are those virtues? He is a good speaker and a black man. That about sums it up. He was a neighborhood organizer and an ineffective Senator. He was a Senator for just three years. Hardly an impressive resume. But he enjoys popularity for the color of his skin, that's the long and short of it. It surely isn't performance based! And Joe enjoys popularity for his association with Obama and the promises he makes. Joe is promising free everything! That's basically what his campaign was. He isn't in office yet and is already promising what? More money, more checks for the working Americans. But you and I know both know that isn't what is meant, that isn't the demographic that will get this "help. " We all know it isn't "help" but charity that is being promised, and there are many willing to accept that. In fact, it's a pretty popular sentiment these days.
 The challenge for the next administration is a simple one, maintaining popularity. I say it is a simple thing sarcastically. When the realities of these proposed policies set in attitudes will change. It will take a little while, I give it six months or so before we begin to hear the mumbling of the mob. The plan is to roll out Harris when Joe' popularity fades. Hey a woman and a person of color, it's like a two-fer and that will boost popularity. I believe it will be a short lived popularity however. Harris will be the tool used to get the African-American and Latino communities to comply with the government mandates. They needed Joe only to secure votes from the white folks. Good old Joe, 47 years a Senator, what a stable man. Well he was vice president to Obama so hopefully he just does what Obama tells him until it's time for Harris. Well, all I can do is wait four years. Then we will have another popularity check. We'll see. As for my popularity? I don't think much has changed in that regard. Haters gonna hate. 


  1. It might be time to stop stirring up division. "If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem." attributed to Eldridge Cleaver.

  2. and, since Andre Gide said this “Everything that needs to be said has already been said." Are you plagerizing? :-)
