Monday, January 11, 2021


  With only nine days left in Office the push is on to impeach Trump. The article has already been written. Fact is it was written four years ago and waiting for the blanks to be filled in. They tried a phone call but that didn't work. So this time they'll try for a fancy word, sedition, to make it sound even more ominous than saying Russians and collusion. I believe they stand a good chance of pushing that through in the new Democratically controlled congress. It might take a few months and  a few million dollars but what the heck, that doesn't matter. No, the end goal is to obtain a conviction. 
 Now you might wonder why? Why impeach a person who is no longer the president. The reason is a simple one, to preclude Trump for ever running for office again. That should tell you something. The left is really afraid of Trump. They must believe he could, yes I know, WIN an election. Imagine that. After insisting that there was no interference in this past election, Biden won fair and square by a historic margin, and after four years of deriding Trump at every turn, they believe he could WIN an election. Trump will be 82 in four years and they still worry about him! What does that tell you? 
 Here is what it tells me. The left is sorely afraid of the American people. They realize their little house of cards is showing signs of falling. There is a crack here and there. The scramble here, the new agenda, is to somehow silence Trump forever. The media has already closed his accounts, publishers are saying they will not print any books or memoirs he should write. And just how many invites to talk shows and such do you think he will get. Blackballed is the term for that and it harkens back to the days of McCarthy. They are hoping for the coup de gras by ruining his financial empire, disgracing his family and forever silencing him. The problem is, it will not work! They already know that and the left is really quite nervous. That's why you are hearing the words insurrection, sedition, traitor and riots used freely. The hope is to scare the American people into compliance. But, the American people really don't scare all that easily, not really. 
 I just saw where taxes went up in Washington state. That was approved by the Democratic majority. The peaceful Portland protestors, you know the ones that barricaded off a section of the city, burned and looted parts of it, and held it weeks, sure will be happy about that I'm sure. Gas prices have already risen. And Biden hasn't even taken office yet. How long do you think it will take for real unrest to develop? The government can not pay off Americans forever. The money will run out and with it, compliance. When the people are hungry and the government begins to impose restrictions on food, like rationing, those attitudes will change and change quickly. Have you noticed the left wants to start removing Republican Senators and Congressman from office? If that isn't an obvious attempt at seizing more power for themselves I don't what would be. The Democrats are waging a war now, anyone that dissents with their agenda will be removed! History repeats! 
 Look I'm not calling for Trump to remain in office. This isn't about the presidency. This is about control of the government. The Democrats and their liberal allies have gained a simple majority. There is much they can do legally with that simple majority. We must remember however that this is a Republic, not a simple democracy. A simple majority isn't sufficient to change the Constitution. As I have pointed out in previous blogs the Constitution provides for Article Five, a convention of the states. The left can't change that, or stop that, with a simple majority vote. The Republicans can block any such attempt. If we allow the left to start removing our representatives that will come into jeopardy. That is the end game here, total control of government. The Republic is under attack! 
 I'm watching and I see some Republicans jumping ship. They are only concerned for the political lives. They are saying the politically correct responses. They attempt to distance themselves from Trump and condemn any policy or statement he has made. Their true stripes are beginning to show. Larry Hogan has gone all in. He is blaming Trump, repeating what his liberal allies are saying word for word. HIs purpose, he wants to run for President in 2024. He thinks he can run on the Republican ticket and win because the majority of the American voters will have become fed up by then. Most will not know he is a RINO. Won't work with me though Governor. I can see your game plan plain as day. Nowadays you need a playbill to identify the players. Many are not at all what they seem. 
 We must act. Article five is the last hope. We need to secure the Republic. Mob rule isn't the answer. No matter which side is blamed in that scenario, it will not secure the Republic. The left will attempt to use this opportunity to impose their will, to bully people, and solidify their position. The pressure is being applied. Calls for Trump to resign, Amendment 25, Impeachment all being wielded like a battle ax! House members being threatened with removal because they spoke their minds. They dared to dissent! Is that the way the Republic should operate. Whatever party is in the majority gets to remove any opposition? If your representative doesn't agree, they are removed? That is what is happening right before your eyes. 
 Sadly a great portion of the American public have become apathic. As long as their lives aren't upset they really don't care. Many will just go along with whatever comes along. They will not exercise any restraint, just let it go. In their effort to remain popular, or perceived as progressive, intelligent, and so modern they will just allow anything as long as it doesn't effect them in a negative way. Personal comfort is the most important commodity in their minds. Everything else is just an abstract idea to those folks. I will give to the food pantry, I'll fight for housing for the homeless and the poor, I'll give money to those in need, I'll speak of social inequity and social justice just as long as I don't have to actually do anything detrimental to my lifestyle. I will be with the in-crowd. But those folks remain blind as the Republic that provides them with that ability, that choice, that freedom, is being slowly taken away. Doesn't matter to them, they are all good. Apathy will destroy the Republic! That is what Franklin meant when he said, "a republic, if you can but keep it." Notice he said you, as in that is your responsibility. He felt as though they gained a Republic for the American people and it is incumbent upon the people to keep it. That takes action, not apathy. 
  "Apathy can be overcome by enthusiasm, and enthusiasm can only be aroused by two things: first, an ideal, with takes the imagination by storm, and second, a definite intelligible plan for carrying that ideal into practice. Arnold J. Toynbee"

I believe we have the first component to overcome this apathy, enthusiasm. We do have to guard against enthusiasm turning to violence. The ideal is a Republic. It is a Republic that has existed for over two hundred years and generations of Americans that has created this land, the greatest country on the face of the earth. The plan is written in the Constitution of the Republic itself! It is Article Five, that is the plan. Get excited about that, embrace that, be enthusiastic! The mob has no plan, the mob has no direction. But Patriots have a clear path forward if we just take it. 


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