Tuesday, January 12, 2021

I'm standing here

  It has been said that the generation of my parents was the greatest generation. I concur with that description. It is an honor well deserved, earned through sacrifice and conviction. Americans all, they answered the call to duty with unflinching, unwavering passion and purpose. My father was among them. He rarely spoke of what he had done, of what he had witnessed, but carried a sadness with him until the day he died. That sadness was for those that lost their lives in defense of an idea. That idea is, all men are created equal. When those would place themselves above others and attempt to subjugate others rights an intervention becomes a necessity. That is what precipitated our entry into the second world war. The United States had attempted to remain out of it, to remain neutral. The Japanese attacked us and no longer could we remain silent. America answered that battle cry with shouts of our own! The enemy had entered the gate and was soundly defeated, beaten back, reduced to rubble. That was accomplished by the greatest generation. A period of unprecedented propriety followed. That was due in part to an awakening of a giant. We are the greatest nation, with the greatest resources, the greatest minds and the greatest technology. All of that was on full display throughout those four years of conflict and the indominable spirit of the American fighting man persevered. To the victors belongs the spoils! 
 I am the offspring of that generation. My generation has gone to war and protested for peace. A generation of contradictions. It was so when I was in high school. There was a division. I stood on the side of the previous generation, the generation of my parents. I watched in disgust as my contemporaries burned their draft cards, dropped out and turned on. I watched as they lived off the fat of the land so hard earned during a four year global conflict. I watched as they became drug addicts casting aside societal norms and speaking of a new world. Communes, in reality socialist breading grounds popped up. It didn't take long for that experiment to fail, some with horrific consequences. The old hippies did settle down some, adjusting to the reality of living. Unfortunately many of those failed to raise their children with any sense of morality, of accountability, and of consequence. They made excuses for their children and for themselves. Whatever fate befell them was the result of outside forces, it wasn't of their own doing. Today we call them, liberals.
 Yes I'm older now. I have participated in the American experiment. I have stood in opposition to many of the social changes, spoken against immoral and unethical behaviors. I have gained much in the way of experience. And now, now I find myself standing at the gate, I am standing in defense of America, the America I was born into and the America I believe in. I well remember speaking the phrase, "and to the Republic," and understanding just what that meant. Yes, I was taught that meaning as a child and the lesson has stuck. I understood that fully when I first took the oath of enlistment into the armed forces of this nation. I did promise to defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic. My name rests upon the retired list but it does no appear on the the "relieved of duty" list. I am prepared to return in defense at a moments notice in whatever capacity I can serve. That is what my parents generation did, I can do no less! 
 My fathers generation had to take up arms in defense of our nation. There was no other choice, no other option. It is time for my generation to stand up, not with arms, but holding the Constitution in our right hands. The previous generation earned their designation as the greatest generation for their valor, their commitment, their intestinal fortitude. We have the obligation to save that which was fought for. We must take up the fight to preserve the Republic. If we fail to stand for that Republic, it will surely fall. This enemy is a domestic enemy, you can't defeat a domestic enemy with violence and blood shed. A domestic enemy must be defeated using the very instrument that created the Republic in the first place. That instrument is the method of defense. Should we surrender to name calling! Isn't that the only tool they have? They will call us names and deride us in a singular effort to silence us. We must not allow that to happen. We must demand to be heard. That right is expressed plainly in the First Amendment to our Constitution. That right was first mentioned as far back as the Magna Carta, the right to Petition! We must exercise our right to Petition the government for redress of wrongs! Just as the founding father drafted a Declaration so must we Declare our intentions and the reason for those intentions! We owe that to our parents and every generation preceding them in an unbroken line all the way back to the signing of the Magna Carta! I regret that I am inadequate to that task. My voice is but a whisper in the wind. I am easily silenced. My comments on social media will be moderated. I enjoy no fame or fortune. I'm just an old man that speaks his truth, but a truth easily silenced. Oh but where I able I would compose a Declaration, make that Declaration known throughout the land and garner the signatures necessary to Convene a Convention of the States. I'm not talking about revolution, I'm talking about resolution! We must remain resolute in the face of whatever onslaught our domestic enemies would employ. 
 The founding fathers pledged everything they had, they wrote, "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance in Divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. Today it is that sacred honor that must be defended. We must take action to defend the Constitution. It is up to us, this generation, to reman resolute in defending freedom for all. We must restore that trust in the Republic for the republic to survive. The fight is not with each other. The fight is to restore trust in the Republic for which we stand. As Rocky said in one of his movies, " I'm standing here." I will not be silenced. 


  1. And the fight to change things is called an election with voting done BY the people FOR the people. Anything else is not the proper way. Making your long and drawn out, repetitive narratives on a blog is only another, lesser way to stir people up. Best to be careful, and watch your words. Censorship is finally being enacted.

  2. THANKFULLY censorship is been enacted to reduce the stirring up.
