Thursday, January 21, 2021

transition of power

  The reality is we have a new president. He is not one I have chosen and one I believe will do more harm than good. That being said, he is the president. As I sort through my emotions the one I'm struck with is, anxiety. Yes, I'm feeling just a bit anxious. I feel like I'm watching a movie and we have reached the part where the villain has the upper hand. Our republic is being held hostage with no one to rescue it. The villagers have circled the castle but to no avail. I'm confident a hero will appear on the scene, someone to inspire and lead the villagers, it's just a matter of time. But the reality remains, I'm on the edge of my seat. 
 Now I can remain anxious and point out every flaw in the villain but that will accomplish nothing. So I will focus upon an Article Five convention in the hope that will come to fruition. I won't lose sight that 34 out of the one hundred house seats are up for reelection in November of 2024. Control of the house can be regained. I will keep reminding others that it is in our representatives that the power of the people resides, not just in the president. It is the legislature that can impose the will of the people upon the president. And that is why I fully support a convention of the states, to impose that will. A convention of the states is not to remove a sitting president, its' purpose isn't to do that, it is rather to codify those common sense ideals that were taken for granted by the original framers of the constitution. It isn't the constitution that has changed over two and a half centuries, it is the character of our politicians. No longer is honor central to their character, the acquisition and retention of power has replaced that. And for those reasons alone, we need to change the rules of the game.
 I believe we need to begin with term limits. Two terms should be sufficient. Two and you are done, forever. In that way favors can not be promised so readily. I would also include a set number of days they have to be at work! No more of this coming to work when the mood strikes. No work, no pay, just like everyone else in the country. In the past the house has averaged 146 days in session per year. That's about 40% of the time. The average American goes to work 68% of the year. I think our representatives should have to work just as many days as we do. Then once we have them actually going to work benefits can be discussed. No more lifetime pensions for serving in the legislature. No, that isn't happening. Social Security, a 401K, or some other form of investment is highly recommended. 
 I do think before any of that can happen however we need to secure the vote. Regardless of any feelings you have either way, the vote needs to be secured. I hear murmurs of having to have a vaccination card in order to travel around the country. You already have to have a drivers license, proof that you are eligible and/or qualified to drive a car anywhere why shouldn't you haver to do the same to vote? That, to me, is the first common sense thing to do to secure the vote, a national voter ID law. Perhaps you would require a pin number. Wow, there's a thought, a pin number to secure your vote. How many pin numbers are in use today? Must be in the hundreds of millions, the majority are only four digits. If you can use the same number more than once that means there are ten thousand possible combinations. And yet, no one is having their bank account drained by others guessing your number. Why is that? Two step verification is the answer. That is what we should require when casting your vote. 
 Those are just a couple thoughts I have. I realize there will be many people happy when Biden gives them money. The main stream media is going to extoll everything he does as miraculous and so great. Indeed, I'm expecting to hear the virus is under control within a month or so, well, at least by summer. People will surrender their freedoms without question. Censorship will be an everyday thing. Mandatory this and that will be viewed as patriotic. It's best for everyone else if you just comply. The normalization of aberrant behaviors will continue unchecked. Lies will be told as truth! It's already happening. I've heard it said, well there wasn't significant voter fraud, not enough to worry about. Really? How much crime is allowed? They only robbed a small amount from the bank, not enough to worry about. That's the thinking that scares me. It's only a little wrong. Biden won fair and square, there was only a little cheating going on. That's what the winners say. And I'm supposed to just ignore that. No, I'll be advocating for a rule change, one where any cheating is considered a serious offense. I'll also advocate for a change in the players to prevent some of this, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine, legislating. Too many bedfellows in Washington in my opinion. 
 It is what it is. The movie isn't over. I'm anxious to see how it all comes out. I have my guesses about plot changes. All I can do right now is watch. I've signed the petition and will continue to inform and advocate for that. I'll be casting my ballot in November of 2022  for my representative. I'd like to able to say I won't say anything about Biden but that would be a lie. I'll be giving my opinion, vigorously and often I'm sure of that. Having heard the calls for unity from the very people that created the divide in the first place to say I'm non compliant will be an understatement. There was nothing civil about the way the left has conducted themselves over the last four years. The seeds were planted and now you have to live with what has grown! Be prepared for a legislative attack like you have never witnessed before. No one is above the law. The people can change that law, and I'm predicting we will. That's what I will remain anxious about, excited even. Yes I fully support a peaceful transition of power. That transition will be from our representatives back to the people. We the people will limit their power, their terms, and their conditions of employment. The job application form (vote) just got changed!    

1 comment:

  1. "Yes, I'm feeling just a bit anxious. I feel like I'm watching a movie and we have reached the part where the villain has the upper hand." you said. And now you may understand how the rest of us have felt since 2016. Let's give it a try. Let's give it a chance, let's ATTEMPT to get along with each other without the division anything, even if we disagree with each. After all, we ARE adults, aren't we? Time to calm the waters...time to stop the drowning of each other.
