Friday, January 29, 2021

how wrong is right?

  The first month of 2021 is almost over  and the world is still turning. I have to say it does seem a bit calmer than in previous months. I think that is because certain factions are attempting to establish a peace. Well, the truth is they are looking for a capitulation, not an agreement. The new leader has already signed 19 executive orders! It's a new record, making all other presidents look like slackers. Wasn't long ago that same person said using executive orders was the mark of a dictator. Guess he wants to firmly establish his position as that, and I have to say, he is of to a great start. Of course it is easier when your orders are just rescinding the previous ones. Yeah, doesn't take much thought to say, no. 
 It is rather amusing and frustrating to watch what is happening now. Biden made his promises, which he is already backing off of, there is nothing I can do to stop the pandemic. He did keep an unspoken promise however, more people unemployed. And where is that two thousand dollars that he was saying would be mailed out, day one? The plan is now to ask for an unreasonable amount of funds and blame the Republicans for not just signing the legislation. As I said, they are looking for a capitulation, not a compromise. They have the majority and intend to use that to their advantage regardless of the consequences. The attempt to silence and censor any opposition has begun. That is concerning enough but when you hear this discussion of a bill to fight "domestic terrorism" you should grow very concerned. That is the path to "political" prison. When the left leaning groups protested at the capital, throwing molotov cocktails, destroying property and injuring a great number of police officers that was called, a peaceful protest. Indeed members of their party spoke out saying, the protests shouldn't stop, that the people should press the issue. They were exercising their right to protest! Now, it is called an insurrection. The police force acknowledged they had prior knowledge that it was likely to happen. National Guard forces were requested and denied. The Police opened the doors! But, that is an insurrection? Perhaps it was nothing more than something politically expedient to the new world order. That is being dismissed as a conspiracy theory however. The conspirators speaking the rumors of conspiracy. Having firm control over the biggest sector of media sure benefits that cause. Any plot, any scheme uncovered can be dismissed as a conspiracy. Hey, there was only a little election fraud, not enough to change the outcome. Think about that statement for a moment. How much cheating is allowed? Just a little bit is okay. 
 I'll keep writing and pointing out what should be obvious. I've signed the petition for a convention of the states. I've seen some movement toward introducing a term limits bill. I fully support that of course. I think it may be introduced more as a preemptive strike than anything else. I'm certain career politicians do not want a convention of the states. It isn't only term limits, but talk of a balanced budget, there loss of perks and benefits, that sort of thing must scare the crap out of them. What if those people had to get a real job? But it is obvious to me that changes need to be made. No longer can we trust the integrity, morals or ethics of our elected officials. Jefferson, Jay, Monroe and Madison  never anticipated those qualities would be abandoned on such a large scale. They did expect elected officials to abide by their oaths of honor! Hey, in their day they would face each other in a deadly duel to preserve their honor. That was true even when that honor was a mere illusion, a perception. They were. after all, men like you and I. They had ideas and agendas of their own. They just never imagined that the abuse of power would be so obvious, so contrived.
 The coming years will be a turning point in American politics. I have no doubt about that. Change, big change is coming. I have doubts that this generation is up to the challenge. Self denial isn't the strong point it once was. Can the population be pacified with a government handout? Looks like they are going to try. And the implementation of policies that favor minorities in the name of equality. It's not equal when you receive favored treatment! That should be obvious, but that simple point is being lost on many. Not much I can do, but I will not give up. Sometimes you do just have to give them what they ask for, enough rope to hang themselves, as the saying goes. 

1 comment:

  1. One thing you said that was correct, 'He's off to a great start'. :-)
