Saturday, January 16, 2021


  I keep hearing the same commercial on television. It is  for the the Recovery Centers of America. It's a simple production, just a single lady standing there talking. I'm not certain how or why it caught my attention, I suppose that is what they pay an an ad agency to do. Then having listened to it I find myself talking to that television. That happens each time I hear this line, " you've succeeded before, you can succeed again." Now, remember they are talking about a recovery center for addictions. And my immediate reaction is, if they succeeded they wouldn't be coming back! The reason you have a person returning is because they failed to maintain sobriety! And then I can't help but think, that must be more of that liberal logic. You failed but you succeeded in failing. And of course, no problem, you can do it again, although they promise you won't have to start from the beginning. No, they will design a new treatment just for you, to identify those triggers that caused your relapse. I wonder why that is, I already know what caused your relapse, you went back to using whatever drugs and alcohol you were using in the past. You failed to stop using those substances! It's not that difficult to understand is it? The trigger that caused your relapse? You decided to use once again. It is not anyone else's fault! That's the bottom line here. You have control over that! Don't use that stuff and you won't have a drug or alcohol problem! 
 Yeah, yeah I know all about it is a physical addiction, it isn't your fault. Yes it is your fault. I've heard every excuse there is, two or three times. And that is where the program needs to begin. It needs to start with you understanding that this is your fault, not anyone else's, your fault! And you are the one that needs to fix it. In AA the first step is just that. You have to admit that you are powerless against alcohol or drugs. In short, it's your fault, not the alcohol or drugs. You need to take action to fix that. Sure you can ask for help, and you should, but that help isn't the cure. It isn't up to them to cure you! And that is what bugs me about the Recovery Center of America and there premise that you succeeded before, no you didn't succeed before! You failed to maintain sobriety, your fault! As long as you have groups willing to tell you it isn't your fault, that will most likely be the result. Remember these places are in business to make money! That's what they do, it is profitable to have you succeed, over and over again if possible. Especially true when you have insurance that will pay for that success. They do work with all insurance carriers, you know, to help you out.
 This blog isn't just to bash Recovery Centers of America. The reason I'm writing this is because of the message being sent. For me it is a message that you are not responsible for anything that happens to you, it's not your fault. They go as far as to say you succeeded! No, you didn't. And that attitude is now permeating society. Excuses, that is what they are providing, excuses. And I'm tired of hearing all the excuses. Inequality, is the term bantered about these days. It's not equal or fair. It's true the founding fathers wrote, all men are created equal, meaning every man should should have an equal chance in this world, and their thinking was government should provide that chance, but equal results isn't a guarantee. There are inequities in life and in society. There are those born with more than you or I. Some are smarter, better looking, have more money, come from families of influence and power, can run fast or sing, all sorts of things that are more than what we have. It isn't their fault! Quit blaming others for what you fail to have. You have to use what you have and that is the bottom line. Success is dependent upon you, not on what help others can give you. If you fail, it's your fault. Success is not what others tell you it is, success is what you define. For me, if I can live my life with dignity, I have succeeded. Success isn't an accomplishment, it is acceptance of your fate. You don't get to choose that, that's my thinking. I can choose the way I conduct myself however, that's a choice. The rest, the rest is fate.    

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