Friday, December 4, 2020

what's the deal?

Today we need a nation of minute men; citizens who are not only prepared to take up arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as a basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort. "

Who said that? That is a portion of a speech given by President John F Kennedy Jan 1961, just nine days after his inauguration. He was speaking in commemoration of Franklin D Roosevelt. He began by extolling the great deeds Roosevelt had accomplished during his terms as President. Primarily he spoke about the New deal. The major points of that New Deal was the establishment of the Social Security program in 1935 and 1939. It was to be an old age pension, to provide Social Security, to the elderly, those unable to work, and the disabled. The plan was a simple one, basic in design. You pay into the system and when you reach a certain age you can retire and collect from the system. The WPA and CCC were also components of the New Deal. Both programs required the people to work for those benefits. Yes jobs were created, by the government, who then employed workers. The key component being "employed" meaning you had to work. There were other components to this New Deal that were opposed by the Republican's on the grounds they were unconstitutional. The court didn't agree and those components remained as a part of the deal. The objection was based on the legislation having socialist tendencies! Yes, we were worried about socialism even then. The main issue, a government regulated economy! That was the primary intent of the New Deal, to create a government regulated economy. That is still the intent of the Democratic party as a whole. Just 44 years after Roosevelt created the Social Security program, one promise being it would not be taxable, Senator Joe Biden, Democrat from Delaware, cast the deciding vote to tax Social Security. He did so a second time in 1993, although his wasn't the deciding vote in that instance. In 1993 the Democrats had the majority so it wasn't necessary.
But let's return to the words of Kennedy. A Democrat talking about taking up arms? Yes indeed, that was when it was a noble cause, the taking up of arms, to obtain, defend and preserve Freedom for all mankind! Key to that was the willingness to work and to sacrifice for that cause. Is that what we are hearing today? I'd say no. What is being said today? Lay down your arms, indeed surrender them to government altogether. Is it a willingness to work? No, it is not. Today it is the demanding of benefits and entitlements without work! I shouldn't have to work, to contribute anything, I should just receive money from the government. Sacrifice? No, that is just a word we use to replace effort these days. Whenever we have to make an actual effort to obtain something we call it making a sacrifice. Hey, I had to get out of bed and change out of my pajamas for this! And today, with this lockdown, some aren't even doing that.
Yes the great depression was a horrible time in history. The collapse of a nations economy could be no other. The American people were desperate for relief, for anything to relieve the suffering. FDR and his New Deal seemed liked the ticket alright. And, indeed, it was a great deal as proposed and envisioned by Roosevelt. A good portion of that only got passed because of that desperation. I'd suggest the Supreme court issued their opinion of the Constitutionality of certain portions in response to that desperation. The court did however rule a significant part of the New Deal unconstitutional. In a case against a poultry company accused of being in violation of the National Recovery Act. That's the official name of the New Deal. The court struck down a portion saying it would amounted to economic fascism! Remember that legislation had been passed by a Democratically controlled congress.
Now we are being faced with a New Green Deal, proposed by who? The Democrats. And what the purpose of this new deal? To change the climate of the earth, in ten years time, by the way and to address income inequality. Yes, this plan would fundamentally change America forever. We all laugh and joke about cow flatulence and no air planes, cars, and all of that but those proposing all of that are serious. Those people are willing to destroy America as we know it in favor of, government regulation of the economy. That is the true goal in all of this. Control the economy, control the population. This can be accomplished in many ways but the fastest way is to instill fear and panic in the masses. By doing so you can then pass legislation to facilitate your goal and have it go relatively unchallenged. Some will even embrace it, anxious to just get out with it, no working for it, no actual sacrifice involved. It's a surrender. Now, go back and read that statement from Kennedy, see what I'm talking about?

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