Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Placing trust

 It would seem it is official, we are going to allow the mob to rule after all. I read where John Roberts, in the private chambers of the Supreme Court, exploded on the other conservative Judges. According to this report Roberts told the others they could not vote in favor of Trump because it would cause mass riots. Now whether that is true or not I couldn't say. I will say the analysis is correct, it certainly would have. Do the justices lack the fortitude to make such a ruling? Or is it a political football and nothing but political posturing at this point? The outright denial to even listen to the evidence speaks volumes to me. I can't understand why the justices choose that route. They could have heard the testimony, reviewed the evidence presented, and summarily dismissed the whole thing. That, in my opinion, would have at the very least gave the appearance that they were doing their job. The way it was handled has left me full of questions. 
 Setting that aside for a moment there has certainly be evidence of mob rule, especially over the last year. Remember when a mob controlled part of Seattle? I haven't forgotten about that. And what was the response? Let the mob do what they want to do. The same attitude was adopted in several American cities. Looters were given free reign to loot. Mobs roamed the streets with impunity and blocked highways. Nothing was done. The mob has been allowed to have the upper hand time and again. The rule of law? That is becoming a joke, as criminals are released from the jails while the citizens are ordered to stay at home. The criminals will joining the mob, you can bet on that. The mob has been taking down statues all over the country. Was any of that done by majority vote? The answer is no, it wasn't. Majority vote appears to be going to whoever threatens the most violence, unrest, and disobedience. 
 Who is controlling the mob? The media. That's the long and short of it. The media constructs the narrative and then pushes and promotes that narrative. Make no mistake about that. And who controls the media? It isn't all the wealthy people as the media will try to tell you. That's just a deflection from the truth. The truth is there are a group of about 15 super rich people that are pulling all the strings. The remainder of the wealthy are as vulnerable to that group as the poorest ones among us. But they realize the biggest threat to their rule is the middle class. The middle class have enough wealth to survive comfortably and have enough time to really examine things. What I mean is, the poor folks are just too busy trying to survive to be bothered with politics that don't put money in their pockets. That's the reason their policies are designed to keep the poor people poor. They are policies of appeasement, not policies that empower. Free health care, free college, and the lost goes on. Who is going to pay for that? The rich people? No, the middle class will pay for all of that, and continue to pay until they are now the poor people. The rich will still be rich, you can be sure of that much, the rest of us however? 
 You've heard it before, divide and conquer. That is what is happening today in America. We are being divided on every level, in every way possible. Race, creed, color, national origin, rural and urban. The mob is being whipped into a frenzy. That frenzy almost got those super rich into trouble. A pandemic came along to sorta calm things down. Was it really just an accidental thing, a fortunate misfortune? Now the mob has had fear strike them. The media keeps pushing that narrative. A virus will a survival rate of 95.4% has great deal of the mob cowering in fear. It's even being called a war! We are being attacked by the invisible enemy. Our only hope for survival? Big Pharma and they are racing to our rescue. Just listen to the science. Science doesn't offer hope, it offers facts! The message is subtle enough that it is being lost on many. The message is, abandon your faith, abandon your God, trust in the science. The casinos are open while we lock down the church! Do not get your family together during the holidays. Holidays, they mean Christmas, that's what they mean. We shouldn't allow families to gather for that event, an event that reinforces faith. Follow the science.
 The reality is this. The last bastion of the Republic, of the America we all knew and loved, is the vote. The integrity of that system is now in serious question. The mob has been convinced to just dismiss that fact. The mob has been appeased by that system whether it was legitimate or not. The mob is being told, do not question that! Empathetically! Do not question the validity of the results as reported. In truth the mob is being told should anyone raise any serious questions about that, back to the streets, back to the riots and looting. The mob will impose their will on the people. Thing is, it is really a mob of about 15 people. It is my feeling if the results of this election are not fully investigated, if all the facts are not laid bare for everyone, we have seen the end of the Republic. Allow the election process to be in serious question, in serious doubt, and the whole thing collapses. 
 Look I'm not talking about overturning an election. I'm talking about restoring faith in the system. I don't know about you but I have lost faith in the system. Perhaps a portion of that comes from being old. I don't place a lot of trust in electronic devices run by computer chips. When I'm using my personal computer, at home, and I'm the only person to ever have owned or used it and it says, you need permission from the administrator, that gives me pause to think! Who the heck is that? I figure it is me. So there is that. Then I saw ballot boxes on street corners. That surely raised my eyebrows. Where these boxes really secure? No, I don't believe so. I also saw people on the news riding around with ballots in their cars handing them out to everyone. Do we need an ID to cast the ballot? No, that wouldn't be fair. And all of that was followed by more irregularities. Data Dumps in the middle of the night? SD cards being exchanged? And the total dismissal of witness testimony to these things occurring. Can I reasonably assume that everything was on the up and up? No I can't and don't see how anyone else could either. 
 Turn on the news. What will you hear? Everyone must get a vaccination! Everyone! It's the only way. You will submit to authority, to the will of the mob. The media created the mob, controls the mob, and manipulates the mob at will. The tools used are fear and money. The poor want money, give it to them. The middle class wants the staus quo. Threaten that and the middle class will go along. The easiest way to do that is to manipulate the economy. If that doesn't appear to have the desired effect, ie: the economy is doing really well, fear is next. Whether it is the fear of losing your money, or your life makes little difference. The important thing is for you to be afraid! Some folks are not sufficiently scared despite the screams and cries of the media. Hundreds are dying everyday. We are seeing a spike in the numbers. The hospitals are filling up. We are building temporary triage centers. And now, the virus is mutating! And it's the holidays the very worst of all scenarios! Be afraid, be very afraid, the only thing that can save you is one or two vaccines. Of course you will require several of these shots "boosters" and maintenance doses, most likely for the rest of your life. It's the only way you can survive.
 In the meantime pay no attention to the vote. That is all being dismissed as a hoax, fake news, and shouldn't be investigated. Strangely the mob felt the opposite way over the last four years. It wasn't really ever about Trump, it was about policies. Trumps ideas are not in alignment with the mob. He is just some kind of troublemaker. He has enough money to be a real thorn in their side and maybe even connections to others that have a problem with the wealthy elite. Could be he is just jealous that his wealth doesn't compare to that of Gates or Soro's. The motive for his actions wasn't important. Dislodging him from the seat of power was the objective. It began the moment it became obvious that he could win. And win he did. The first outcry was what? He cheated, the Russians helped him cheat and probably the Chinese too. Of course those same people wouldn't help old Joe, no, that is just foolishness. Ah, the mob is fickle though. and will turn on a dime. Election fraud? Impossible, our system is foolproof! The election system has become a tool of the mob. That's my thinking and we must restore it. I just want a clear and honest answer. Is that even possible? 
 The bottom line. Here's 600 bucks and a free vaccination. You'll be alright. Follow the science. You'll be fine. Trust us. Trust the mob. Or, as the Governor of Maryland so eloquently states on those public service messages on television, " wear the damn mask" and he sounds angry! He is positioning to be the next puppet of the mob, and the mob needs to be one of two things, either angry or afraid. The worst thing that can possibly happen is a mob that controls its emotions and reacts logically to a situation.  

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