Monday, December 28, 2020

Reward or bribe?

 It appears once again the lobbyists have won the day. The President signed that bill, pork and all. He had little choice, backed into the corner. If he didn't sign the government shuts down, millions of people lose whatever help they have been getting. Yes, yes, I know the main stream media will tell you how heartless and uncaring Trump is and you may believe that but that doesn't change simple facts. This bill, over 5500 hundred pages of pork, barely mentions Americans. But this bill was constructed by lobbyists, make no mistake about that. Our lawmakers agreed to that after having their pockets lined. We will be forced back to "normal." The new normal will be even more staggering debt. It will be quasi-martial rule. It won't be the military, it will be basic needs like food, water, and housing. Those are the items being threatened if you fail to comply. That is what the campaign is all about. 
 There has been a steady campaign of fear and doubt for over nine months now. The greatest majority have grown tired and are complying and indeed forcing others to comply with all the government mandates. Social distancing and wearing a mask have become almost second nature now. Nothing unusual about that right? I'm doing those things for humanity! If I don't, I should be ostracized from society. Just as Christians where seen as a threat to the Roman Empire, those of us that defy government "science" are being persecuted. And the mob, the mob loves it! As long as the mob receives free bread and entertainment, they will comply. When that gets threatened however, the mob grows restless. The only solution is to offer more help. More free stuff for everyone. Thing is, you can't please all the people all the time, and that will catch up with you eventually. Will six hundred satisfy the mob? Not this time it won't. Oh, the mob will settle, temporarily, when all aid is cut but the demand will be for more. Governor Hogan, leading contender for the next Presidential race, has already publicly called for another stimulus package right after this one. Does anyone really believe another stimulus package will not include pet projects and aid for foreign nations? If you do, you are really being deceived, or you are just plain stupid. If the money in this current bill were given solely to Americans each of us, every man, woman and child would receive three thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars! Would that solve the issue? No, it wouldn't. You can not support a national economy on tax payer monies when the taxpayers aren't working and paying taxes! You don't have to be an economist to understand that. So where is this money coming from? Borrowed? Borrowed from where? That's what you need to know.
 What you really need to understand is the ones controlling the purse strings are controlling everything. You can get just as upset as you like, get mad, threaten, protest or parade all you want. When your stomach is empty, your children hungry, and you are close to losing all you have, you will comply. And that is the bottom line here. Compliance. Once you have surrendered your rights and the means to defend them, the process will have been completed. 
 Who is controlling the purse strings? Is it your representatives? That's what we want to believe, the way it is supposed to work. That isn't what is happening though. The lobbyists are in firm control of all that. It isn't the person , they are just like the tax collectors of the Roman Empire, just doing their jobs. It is the large corporations that are firmly in control. Who was labeled as "essential" ? It wasn't you or I. we are disposable. Look to who controls the corporations. There is no one person, one family controlling all of that. It is a global conglomerate, a global alliance. That alliance has won this round. But we mustn't speak of that. we mustn't speak of independence. To place our country, our citizens above any others in the world well that is just, what? Elitist, prejudicial, self-serving, and separatist? Oh, that's very wrong isn't it? Yes it is, as wrong as can be. We have to be doing for the entire world or we are no better than the rest! You will comply with whatever mandates your government issues willingly and in an expedient manner. It's the only way for you to be a good citizen, a good person. And what is your reward? Whatever that same government decides it should be. It is what you will get in life. Forget about any notion of a reward after death, that's not science. Concentrate on what you can get in life instead. Everyone gets the same. That's the promise. No matter what you do, as long as you comply with the government, you will be rewarded. 

1 comment:

  1. Be ye Republican or be ye Democrat, it's always about what the govt does and says. Just got to deal with all the nonsense, like it or lump it, as the elders used to say.
