Sunday, December 20, 2020

don't buck the changes

  Does change come for changes' sake? It has been said everything that changes remains the same and that is a sentiment I understand. We all want what we once had and attempt to make changes to regain that. That goes forth generation after generation until the circle is completed. Then it begins again. Certain generations in history experience this more than others. There are upheavals along the way followed by periods of relative calm. In my experience the fifties and sixties just went along fairly smoothly until the Vietnam war came along to disturb that domestic tranquility. Protests and social upheaval combined to make for a rough time. Of course I was just a child during those decades and unaware of a lot of the social and economic issues facing my parents. By the time I was old enough to begin to understand any of that my parents generation were already trying to hold onto their past. Thing is their past had been vastly different than mine. As children they knew the hardships of the great depression, and had seen their country attacked by the Japanese. They had gone off to war, defeated the enemy, and preserved our freedoms. In the fifties and sixties the parades were over, the job had been done and Americans were enjoying a boom. Times were good and maintaining the status quo was important. Then, the "boomers" begin to exert their influence. Rock and roll, and new attitudes about sex and social classes. It was an upheaval for certain, culminating in a festival called Woodstock. Woodstock became a defining moment for good or ill. 
 Twelve years ago Barack Obama ran his campaign on change. He was going to change everything for the better. He was, after all, the first African-American president of the United States and now all minorities would receive equal representation. The civil rights battles of the past, championed by Dr. King had made great strides. President Johnson with his civil rights bill and subsequent amendments ensured all men were created equal. It was codified into law! And what change was he promising? The redistribution of wealth is the short answer. Yes they went as social programs but the bottom line was to provide economic relief to everyone. It wasn't about opportunity, as many of the programs professed, it was about entitlements. The narrative became everyone gets the same regardless of effort. All obstacles are caused by systemic racism, prejudice, or other nefarious means. His administration felt they could change all of that. They would change human nature by legislating that. 
 Following on the heels of an Obama administration President Trump surprises everyone, including himself I believe, by winning the Presidency. What is his message? He is going to be the strict parent, the authority figure, and the responsible adult in this situation. Entering an arena of politicians without any political experience his only option was bullheadedness'. He speaks coarsely, bluntly and with conviction in his beliefs. Nothing wishy washy about him, a man used to getting his own way and indeed running rough shod over his perceived enemies. To say he polarized the political scene would be doing him an injustice. He has stood the entire thing on its' ear! He continues to do so. For good or bad, that is the way I see it. He enjoys support from some and is loathed by others. Thing is, you can't tell who is who anymore as it certainly doesn't hinge on party lines. Well that's to be expected with politicians, they have a habit of setting their sails according to the wind of change, whichever way will move their career forward! 
 In a little over a month, barring any unforeseen changes, Joe Biden becomes the President of the United States. What is he promising? Really the same thing as Obama, redistribution of wealth. But it isn't money that will be redistributed, no it will services. Free this, free that, all paid for by the government. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, you will have "opportunity." You can go to college, for free and obtain a degree. In that way you can be an educated unemployed person. Health care will be free to all. The only caveat, the government will decide what you need or don't need. The big change? Higher taxes and less freedom. Biden plans to allow thousands, if not millions of "immigrants" into the country. These immigrants will receive the same goods and services as our citizens. All past violations in immigration law will be forgiven. The doors will be flung open. The plan, the world will be Americans! Yes, that is the ultimate goal here, to consolidate power into a New World Order. One government for everyone, no more separate nations or national identities! All will be satellites of the one true power. 
 Is it change for change sake? No it is change to benefit certain parties. Those controlling the wealth , control the population of the world. It truly is a global thing. We are seeing an exercise in that power right now. A "global" pandemic? According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization this is a pandemic. That same organization changed that definition not many years back. In the not too distant past, this virus would not be considered as a pandemic. A change was made, why? No one denies the existence of Covid 19 or that is can cause death, it does, in about.6% of those infected. That's correct in just a little over one half of one percent of those infected! And now there are two vaccines, both created in record time to combat this pandemic. A reassurance that your "government" will protect you if only you follow their advice, their guidelines. You can not survive on your own. What's more they will do so for free. Just don't buck the changes, go along quietly. Don't do it for you, do it for everyone else. Dismiss the idea that Freedom is an individual thing, it is not. Freedom is what the government allows it to be. 

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom—go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!     Samuel Adams 1776 

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