Saturday, December 12, 2020

what I support

  I got up this morning to hear a bit of news. Apparently the Supreme court has rejected the State of Texas suit against the other four states. I know very little about that decision but I'm certain I will learn a great deal more in the near future. From what little I do know the court has basically said, it's none of your business. And so whatever evidence or information Texas was going to present will not be seen by the court. That isn't to say the evidence wasn't credible, that irregularities didn't occur in other states, none of that. From what I understand the court just issued their opinion on whether Texas could sue the other states and that answer was no, they can't. So that's that, like it or not. The electoral college will cast their ballots, in accordance with the States laws and Biden become the President elect. The system has worked the way it was designed. I have to acknowledge that even when I don't agree with the ruling. Thing is, the buck has to stop somewhere and in this case it stopped at the steps to the Supreme court.
 What will be the ultimate result of this decision? I'm not certain, but hope it is met with the same aplomb as the reported result of the election itself. The Republicans and their supporters have not created any civil unrest over that outcome. Yes they have certainly pursued every legal avenue available, what the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and other pieces of legislation provide. And that is the way it should be. The simple truth is when the Democrats meet with defeat or disappointment they do respond with civil unrest! I can't help but wonder if that knowledge figured into this decision by the court. Is this decision based solely in law or where other factors considered. In short, has the court acted blindly? 
 I have said it before but will repeat myself. We have to place our trust in the system. That is why it is so important to not allow changes to that system. Even when that system does not give you the result you had wished for, or indeed, the outcome you feel it should have, you have to accept that decision. It makes no difference if it is your Mom, Dad, Boss, or the Supreme Court of the United States, in the end there has to be a final authority. The Supreme Court is that authority.
 Looks like I'll have to wait another four years to cast my ballot once again. I sincerely hope all of this brings about some changes in the way the votes are cast and tabulated. I opposed all that mail-in stuff from the very beginning and still hold those views. I fully support the idea of requiring a voter ID card. That only makes sense to me and can't see why anyone would object to that. ID is certainly a requirement for many other things in this country and no one is objecting to that. Yes I believe there were irregularities in this past election and I believe there is evidence to show that. As to whether that evidence would overturn anything I'm not prepared to say. I will say it doesn't matter though, any irregularities should be fully investigated, reported, and made public. I have a right to know. Voter fraud is a felony! There is no such thing as, just a little wrong. 
 My biggest concern is maintaining the Republic. With all this talk of Democracy people are getting confused about that. It is time we started teaching the difference in the schools once again. Civics classes should be a top priority! It has become obvious to me that many people just don't have a clue about the most basic of principles of government. Majority rules? Yes, but it isn't that simple and shouldn't be. If you want to be ruled by the mob, choose Democracy. The country is heading in a socialist direction and the new driver is hell bent on that goal. We must prevent that from happening. We still have the strongest weapon against that. It is the Constitution of the United States of America. Remember that Constitution is the only thing between you and anarchy. The rule of law. It also contains the second amendment and for good cause. The founding fathers explained their pending actions to the King and to the world in the Declaration of Independence. It begins with these words, " When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that have connected then with another " and continues on in that explanation. We must use the tools provided, to accomplish that goal. We are engaged in a struggle between a Republic and a Democracy. A civil war of sorts. The Republic will win out in the end. That is my belief, and that is what I will support. 

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