Monday, December 21, 2020

a couple things

  A couple things on my mind this morning. First off, it's the first day of winter. The final season of 2020. I can't wait until that is hindsight! Ha, it always has been, and will be so going forth. The year of the plandemic, that's how I will always view it. I know there will be a lot of merchandise sold and entitlement claimed on the basis of I Survived. Yeah, well okay then. Fact is 99.4% of everyone infected will survive but we will call that a miracle of modern medicine. Two vaccines within two weeks of each other, in record time, and being rushed out to the public. As for me, I'll just wait and see. Have you read any of the possible side effects on these vaccines? No, so far they are saying they don't have any. And not only that the "efficacy" is projected to be about 95%. So that means 5% of the population will still get covid 19. Now the CDC says a pandemic "occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptional high portion of the population." Is 5% of the population exceptionally high? Well that would be 5 out of every 100 people. If 1.5 million people were infected with a virus tomorrow would that be a pandemic? Guess so and that is 5% of the population of the United States. So you see these numbers can be misleading. If this vaccine were injected into every single person in America about 1.5 million would still be expected to get Covid 19. And that isn't even factoring in the "mutations" that are happening right now. How many different strains will there be? The common cold is caused by a virus, it's a viral infection, no vaccine for that yet. Tamiflu has shown some success is lessening the effects of the seasonal flu but certainly doesn't prevent it. Interesting to note is the sale of Tamiflu is way down this year. Well, something is better than nothing right? Sure it is.
 Today is also the birthday of my twin sons. They entered the scene 45 years ago today. I'm thinking they must have some sort of time machine, made in China no doubt because it is defective, no way could it be 45 years. One lives in upstate New York in the land of cold and snow and the other lives a few blocks down the road from me. They have given me two granddaughters and a grandson. The grandson is in college now. One granddaughter has been accepted to four colleges so far although she hasn't made a decision on any of them yet. My New York granddaughter I haven't heard yet but I suspect she will go to SUNY Oneonta as that is where she lives and her uncle Bill works there as well. I'm not sure of his job title but he is part of the administration. My sons are 45? I wonder how that happened so quickly. Darn kids still haven't learned to listen to me. Well, that won't stop me from trying. 
 Christmas is Friday. I'll just leave that thought there.  

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