Monday, August 24, 2020

up to the challenge

 Yesterday I saw a yard sale. I'm thinking it may be the first since this pandemic. I'm not aware of any laws, rules or regulation about any of that but I'm assuming they were banned. Whatever the case, I saw one yesterday. I have certainly stopped and checked out yard sales over the years. It isn't something I do often or as a hobby like some do. Truth is, I hadn't really given that a thought until seeing that one yesterday. The summer of 2020 has been lacking in yard sales. That lead me to think how many other fund raising activities suffered the same fate. Bazars, church sales, car washes and bake sales came to mind. I wondered too, after this is over, will the mask wearers ever feel safe buying baked goods again? After all, if those cupcakes and brownies weren't baked and handled at a distance of at least six feet, they are literally dripping with droplets! And birthday cakes? The only acceptable thing in that regard would have to be electric candles that can be "blown" out by blowing the fuse!
 In just 29 days fall officially arrives. How will this pandemic affect that? I suppose the biggest change we will all be aware of is the voting process. If this weren't an election year I doubt many would even notice. We call all still rake the leaves, drink pumpkin spice everything, put out the mums and all that. Halloween will be different I'm sure of that. Although I can't see why it should be, hey if you're going to wear a mask? Well the liberals will think of some reason you shouldn't do that. Well masks work when everyone wears them, except, when everyone is wearing them you have to stay six feet apart because the masks work. The whole school thing is a mess. Some of the kids expecting this distance learning, others going to classes, and still others doing the hybrid thing.
 Of course the election looms large. I anticipate that being a real fiasco no matter who is declared the winner. The smooth transition of power has certainly become a thing of the past. Or, more properly I should say, a precedent has been set by the Democratic party. There was nothing smooth about anything they have done and indeed, continue to do. The entire house of representatives is up for reelection as well as the Presidential seat. I'm hoping that people realize that and focus their attention on that. If you want real change in government you have to change the house! I do believe it is far past time for a good number of those politicians to get out of the house! And I'm talking about both parties here. Too much is owed to too many in my opinion.
 I can only hope that all of this wakes some people up. We the people are the government! It's time we sent that message to Congress loud and clear. Yes, there are those protesting, making a lot of noise, issuing threats, causing property damages and in general acting like a bunch of fools. Those folks will go away once the "show" is over. It's time to put an end to the show! We the people can do that with our vote. We can elect those that stand for law and order, elect those with the fortitude to actually impose the will of the people on those that would oppose that. It's a question I have asked before, if a person does the right thing, does the motivation to do so matter? What I mean is, if a politician does what the voters demand of them, does it matter the reason they do so? If we elect new people, people anxious to do the right thing, whatever their motivation to do so may be, is that wrong? It's my belief we have far too many in government today whose sole purpose is to remain in that office regardless.
 There is an old advertising slogan that has stuck in my mind for years now. In fact, since 1971. " It takes a tough man to raise a tender chicken." Yeah only us old folks would remember that I suppose. The thing is it is as relevant today as the day when Frank Purdue first uttered the phrase. Frank Purdue was known for being a tough guy to work for. That is to say, he insisted on things being done the right way, every time, without exceptions. I'm quite certain his name could be found on the bathroom wall with some disparaging remarks and accusations about his personal life! The moral there is, results are what are important, not popularity. It takes a tough man to raise a tender chicken. It takes a tough parent to raise children correctly as well. And yes, it takes a tough man to win a war! Patton was a tough guy and possibly the most successful field commander in modern times. Consider carefully your choice to lead the battle. Whatever battle it is you wish to win. You know Commanders seldom make good politicians. General George Washington was an exception but only because the entire nation was behind him, trusted him, and indeed admired him. Didn't really have another until Eisenhower, and even then there was some dissention. What have we had since? Kennedy? He was tough and got killed because of that. His brother too, the mafia wasn't too happy about him. And today we are faced with a choice once again. There is Joe Biden, 47 years of political service to the nation. List his accomplishments. There is Donald J Trump, a four year politician. President of the United States of America. List his accomplishments. Do the list, honestly, fairly, and without bias. That is what you should be basing your decision on, not whether he is a good guy or not. Takes a tough man to run a nation. You may or may not like that man, that should be irrelevant.
 Those are the choices whether you are happy with the choices or not. You can say I wish and I hope all day long but the bottom line is, those are your choices. Yes you can choose not to vote, you can choose another name on the ballot or write in your own name. Those are choices as well. But the fact remains, one of those two will win the election and lead the nation for the next four years. Choose not for the moment but choose for the future. Retain the Republic or surrender that to a simple democracy, surrender to the mob. Violence is the last resort of the desperate. Who is inciting the violence today, who is funding that? Answer that question honestly. I'm as anxious as everyone else to just wind this year up. But then I realize, we'll have to do it all again next year. Are you up to the challenge? I am. 

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