Thursday, August 6, 2020


 I haven't watched Oprah Winfrey is years. I admit to having watched her show with my wife in the distant past. I wasn't aware that she even had a show anymore to be honest about it. But whatever the case is, I read an article where Oprah was explaining about " whiteness. " Apparently she even had some white folks on her show apologizing for being white. They were sorry for being racists, they didn't even know they were racists until they got woke. I'd suggest they take an English class or two, it should be until they were awakened. Perhaps proper English is part of the "whiteness"  or racism they weren't aware of. Anyway Oprah was explaining to them how, being white, was always to their advantage regardless of financial status, social position, or anything else. Yes, if you are white, you are advantaged and definitely a racist. I guess it takes a Billionaire Black woman to understand all of that. She did manage to climb that ladder despite her obvious disadvantage. She would have to be disadvantaged because only white people are advantaged. Well, good for her. 
 Well now I wonder if Oprah has ever heard of affirmative action. Affirmative action, the plan to ensure everyone receives equal treatment and equal opportunity under the law. And just how are we going to do that? We will give an advantage to the minority! A specific number of people must he hired to fill positions because of the color of their skin. That's only fair right? That's not being discriminatory at all, it's being fair. Why is that fair, because the minority is at a disadvantage because of the color of their skin. White folks already have an advantage, they're white. Okay, that makes sense, to avoid discrimination, you discriminate. But it's not discrimination, it's affirmative action! That's not discriminatory. Yup that's fair alright. Now to be fair affirmative action includes females and the disabled as well. I can see where a disabled person is at a disadvantage, not sure why a woman would be, well unless we are going to say that all women are disadvantaged because they are women. Man, a double whammy if you happen to be a black woman I guess. If you are a disabled black women you don't stand a chance! But wait, there is affirmative action to take care of that situation. Sounds great doesn't it? Well unless you are the advantaged white woman looking for a job that is, then maybe not so much. Well, at least you are not being discriminated against. That should make you feel much better about that. It should, you being woke and all.
 Therein lies the root of the problem. That's the great divide isn't it? The perception that some are inherently disadvantaged based on the color of their skin or their gender. in recent years now including sexual self identity. Yes, if you are a guy, but think you might be a girl, and want to wear a mini skirt lipstick and high heels that shouldn't be a consideration when I'm interviewing you for the job of longshoreman. Nope, I have to hire you because that's affirmative action. It's affirming your right to be confused. I can't imagine what else it would affirm. It is the idea that we can remove accountability for your choices that is the driving force behind stuff like that. Now it's true you don't have a choice about what color your skin is, you are born that way. Still that shouldn't be the fail safe if life doesn't play out the way you think it should. You don't get to use that as a life long excuse. 
 Of course I realize that is all because of my whiteness. I have all the advantages, born with them. Doesn't matter what else happens after that, I'm white I have the advantage. What confuses me about all of that is if that's the case, what is it saying about everyone else? Why would you proclaim yourself to be inferior to anyone? Certainly there are challenges to be overcome, that's true no matter race you belong to or identify with, but to say I'm at a disadvantage? Must be my whiteness speaking but I am just as good, just as able, just as capable as anyone else in any race. I might be just a poor white boy from below the bridge, but by God I can do anything I want to. Well except point out that other races might be racist. Racism is the sole possession of us white people. 
 The bottom line for me is a simple one. The color of a persons skin has little to with who that person becomes. There are great men and women of every race and there are the worst dregs of society of every race as well. Life is equal opportunity! What you don't get guaranteed are equal results. Does racism exist? Yes it certainly does and I suggest it always will, you will not change human nature. The color of a persons skin is just the easiest thing to see but that isn't the only form of racism. Racism is the easiest term to apply. Discrimination of any kind is now being promoted as wrong. Depends though, on the reason for that discrimination. To discriminate is to choose, to compare one to another, and in my opinion make the best choice. The best choice doesn't always please everyone. It really is like that old saying,  "you can please some of the people, some of the time, and all the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." And that is why affirmative action really doesn't solve a thing. You can't legislate human emotions. You will feel this way because the law says you will! 
 The thing is as long as there is black culture and white culture there will be a clash. You aren't going to change that. There are fat people and skinny people, smart people and those not so bright, tall people, short people, all kinds of people and all of them are discriminating against one another. No different really than the political views we hold. It's true now more than at any time in history but it surely isn't a wise decision to wear a MAGA hat in public, post a Trump sign, or wear I support Joe Biden shirts. Any of those action can cause a clash! People are fighting each other over social distancing and whether or not to wear a mask on your face. Legislation isn't going to do anything to stop any of that either. Ask a Jewish person about being stereotyped, about being discriminated against. They certainly have a history in that regard. And they aren't a race but share a common belief system. Are they disadvantaged because of that? Many Jewish folks would answer in the affirmative. 
 I don't know but Oprah attempting to educate me about being white just irks me. How about I teach her about being black. About how her blackness has put a chip on her shoulder. All blacks distrust, if not outright hate, white people. I wonder what she has to say about that? 

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