Tuesday, August 11, 2020

someone to trust

 I have lost all confidence in the main stream media. I listened, and have been listening for some time now, as the press has been 95% negative toward Donald Trump. I get it, all those big donors that contributed to Hillary Clintons' campaign were expecting a return on their investment. Then the unthinkable happened, Trump wins the election. From just moments after that it was announced the push was on to either remove him from office or discredit him somehow. Hey, that was a lot of money to lose. And make no mistake about it, the left controls the mainstream media outlets and the press, for the most part. So it began, the Russians somehow rigged the election for Donald Trump. Then we needed to eliminate the electoral college. The accusations and innuendos have only grown is size and and scope. Fast forward to today. Today the media is trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump is going to eliminate social security altogether. Yes, he will singlehandedly pull the rug out from under sixty four million people that are collecting that. His plan is to plunge 64 million people into abject poverty, denying them the benefits they are entitled to. And what's more, he is making that a campaign promise. That's what the main stream media would have you believe. And why, because Trump suspended a tax. An act that puts a few more dollars into your pocket.
 Now the same people claiming that Trump will eliminate social security are the ones proposing a three trillion dollar covid relief bill. Three Trillion dollars. No concern there as far as the economy goes, no concern for the national debt, no, no, that'll be fine. And by the way we should give social security benefits to everyone regardless of their legal status. If you make it across the border, you're eligible. But what if Trump eliminates that? Then what will everyone do? Oh my, that's a scary thought isn't it? And that is the stock in trade of the left, fear. Nothing else has worked despite hundreds of hours and millions of dollars, he is still in office. Does anyone else find it a bit serendipitous that two weeks before schools are to open 96,000 children are infected, almost overnight! Just like that. As if that couldn't have been predicted, I knew that would happen in March! Are you kidding me? But children and the elderly are the best tools to use when trying to arouse intense emotions in the general public. They already used the old folks, remember when everyone in nursing homes were dying of covid 19? Now, it's the children, my god, it's the children.
 I read that the covid testing has a 60% negative positive. That's right, the data shows that 60% of the time the test is wrong. And what's the answer for that? According to the left, you keep administering the test until you get a positive result. That is to say, keep doing that test until you get the result you want to report. That's the reason you seldom hear about the survivability rate of covid 19, greater than 98%, that's not so scary. Broadcasting that 96,000 children are infected with a coronavirus however, now that's scary! They are not saying that coronavirus is covid 19, not exactly, just that they tested positive for a coronavirus, like the common cold.
 Look I realize this sounds like an essay supporting Trump. I do support some of his policies and actions. His problem, and I've said this from the beginning, is he is not a politician. He's a businessman. His focus has always been on making a profit. But I'm not going to get into that discussion I offer that only as reference. Love him, hate, somewhere in between that's what Trump is. Spoiled, used to getting his way, using every loophole and legal tactic in the book, arrogant, boorish and brash. Yes, he is all of those things. Egotistical, certainly. I'd suggest it would feed anyone's ego to be elected President of the United States of America! Yeah, it would give you a sense of importance. And once in that position wouldn't you do your best to act the part, to at least attempt to make it look like you know what you're doing? Yes, I'm the boss and I'll make the decisions here! Not much different than your boss is it? No, not really if you are honest about it. We all feel like we could do better than the boss, after all, what does he know about the working man.
 All that being said what I'm upset about is the main stream media outlets and the obvious bias in reporting the news. As far as I'm concerned their job is to report the facts, not opinions. That is what the editorial at the end of the newscast was for. Remember that? Sadly there are many that do not remember a time when the news was reported in that fashion. Walter Cronkite, a news man, a reporter, was called, " the most trusted man in America. " And he deserved that moniker. Name a single reporter today that is even close to that. There isn't. Why? Because the truth doesn't sell , that's why. If you want viewers, that is to say revenue, you have to make the news sensational, a show, entertaining and engaging. The easiest method to get people engaged? Stir up their emotions. Tell them what to feel, what this means, and insist they should be outraged! It's not about reporting the news, it's about controlling the population. They are not newsmen, they're entertainers. And like entertainers they have their followers, their groupies, that will believe whatever nonsense they spew forth. But are they trusted? No, they will be discarded the very moment they say anything that displeases their audience. The parent company will remove them immediately if they veer from the narrative. It's my thought that is what is missing in America today. Someone to trust. Who can we, as the American people, sitting on the outside of all the political machinations, trust to report the truth? For me, no one comes to mind. Seems to me the only ones telling the truth are on You Tube making home video's. I may or may not agree with what they are saying, but I think they are being truthful anyway. So, like I asked, who can we trust?  

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