Sunday, August 23, 2020

not in my world

 Time and fashion, they are always changing. It shouldn't be a surprise but sometimes it is. I was surprised at my age on my last birthday, how did I get this old, this soon? But that is just a mental thing I suppose, everyone experiences that. As to fashion I am not one to pay much attention to it. I am surprised by that all the time. The fashion we choose does say something about us though, that can't be denied. But I do think we all reach a fashion point that we shouldn't go beyond. Some folks aren't aware of that or just plain don't care. You know what I mean I'm sure. I'd say my fashion sense hasn't changed a great deal since the 1970's. The biggest change is in the hat I wear. I've worn several styles and today it is the newsboy cap. I do believe a man should have a good hat. Thing is a good hat, that fits just right, is a difficult thing. I think Merle Haggard, in his later years, perfected that. I'm also certain he had his custom made and fitted just right. You could say his hats become a costume.
 Yesterday I paid attention to this advertisement on the television for the first time. What I mean is I've heard it plenty of times before but never really listened or paid attention. It was an advertisement for the Men's Warehouse. Now that sounds masculine enough, a warehouse. Concurs up images of longshoremen. What are they selling, clothes. The very latest in fashion for men. The advertisement shows men getting fitted for suits and such. What caught my attention at the very end of the commercial this man gets on a bicycle, in a three piece suit, his little bicycle helmet on, with a backpack and pedals off to work. Yeah that's a real masculine image. I couldn't help but snicker. Yes I look at that with derision, I admit to that. So you have this company calling themselves the Mens' Warehouse and that is the end result? No thanks. I guess that may be attractive in Manhattan or someplace but no place I live or work. I can't help but think it is further proof of the effeminizing of men. Yes, I realize business men have worn suits for many years as a sign of their social position, the white collar worker. But, they still portrayed a masculine sense about them with their fedora hats and tough guy images. Tough in business anyway! Ever notice how the politicians remove their sport coats and roll up their sleeves? That's a subliminal message to the public, I'm working! Thing is, for me at least, it just comes off as disingenuous, like they are playing a part.
 I suppose I'm just a relic of the past. I can tell you this much, you will never, ever see me riding a bicycle with some silly looking helmet. You will also never ever see me wearing a backpack! Well alright if I was climbing Mount Everest or something similar I might. Never in a three piece suit on a bicycle. Fashion you say? And what is that fashion statement? I'm not certain, all I know is isn't anything you'll hear me saying. Sure I've heard it said you need to get in touch with your feminine side, well, that doesn't mean embrace it! Just be aware of it and try not to let that show is my policy. I was raised in a world where men where men, and the sometimes the ladies were too! I never felt threatened by a strong woman, maybe that's why I've never tried to be one.
 You know back in the day those businessmen would often have hobbies to show their masculinity. They went on big game hunts, played polo, chased their secretaries, smoked big cigars and that sort of thing. Yes, they were tough guys in their own right and that was the image they projected. Today they are doing what? Having a double foam latte at the vegan kiosk in their bicycle shorts! And there trusted stead is a Schwinn! I'd say the image has changed significantly. They are now going to "spin" classes and doing yoga with their gender fluid friends. They are confused about what bathroom to use! You might see them wearing little ribbons and a ponytail. Well, aren't we metropolitan.
 I know all of this is just me rambling on. It doesn't mean a thing one way or the other. I just noticed that commercial and had to laugh about it. The Mens' Warehouse! Well were I come from if a "man" was seen riding a bicycle, with a helmet, in a three piece suit with a backpack; let's just say I wouldn't feel too intimidated. I would figure he has embraced his feminine side a little too long! An image to portray the Mens' Warehouse? Not in my world it isn't.
Yes, this is the way I see it and I'm not afraid to say it. Take it anyway you like. I would be less than honest if I tried to say otherwise. You are reading the genuine Ben. 

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