Wednesday, August 12, 2020

a few thoughts

 So I'm sitting at my computer as I do most every morning, checking my e-mail, the memories page and my timeline. It has become a part of the morning routine. After that I usually begin writing my blog posting. This morning it is 5:30 and I'm just beginning that process. I feel like I'm running a bit behind although there is no schedule to be followed. But our daily routine begins to feel like a schedule to us, doesn't it? It sure sees that way to me. I have discovered the older I get the more I feel the need to follow the schedule! Strange , when I was younger I was always getting off schedule and not worrying about it at all. Could be, subconsciously, I figured I had plenty of time. Guess that says something about my subconscious today. Well whatever the case may be, I have begun to write my thoughts for this morning.
 The big news was Biden picking a VP. Kamala Harris. A bit of a surprise seeing as she called him a racist, to his face, on national television not that long ago. But Joe said ,, he put that behind him, all is forgiven. Hey, it's just politics right, you can't take that stuff seriously. I expect he doesn't really remember it anyway, it's unfortunate but I'm thinking his memory is slipping, dementia is a terrible thing I wouldn't wish on anyone but it should also be acknowledged. Whatever. Now Kamala is someone I can't support at all, I know what a surprise. She supports too many things I oppose. The least of which is abortion! The main stream media has repeatedly called her a " woman of color. " Yes, that's what they are saying, waving that phrase around like a flag. It's almost as though they believe that solidifies her qualification for the job, she's a " woman of color. " So you're saying, she's a colored woman? I thought we quit saying that back in the sixties, isn't it offensive? Well, I suppose a change in syntax justifies that, you know, just change the meaning a bit to suit the occasion. I'm certain The Jamaican and Indian ( not native american Indians, that would be elizabeth warren, but Indians from India ) communities are proud to have her selected. Well Joe did say it would be a woman, at least someone of a different gender than himself, there are numerous choices these days, and someone " of color " or " colored " depending on how you hear it. I suppose I'm a racist because I hear colored woman. It can't be racist to say, " of color. " Strangely I'm white and that's a color but I'm not a man of color. I wonder what color Kamala says she is? Must be in the brown family, definitely not black. It will be an interesting campaign. Kamala couldn't even manage 2% support from her own party back in the primaries. Not that it matters a whole lot. The left hasn't chosen the " best " qualified candidates" they have chosen based on polls and polling results. Who, could, maybe, possibly, might win election? And more importantly, who can we (the dnc elites ) control should they win.
 I am happy to see this move forward a bit, maybe Joe will come out of his basement. The summer is beginning to wind down and the focus shifting to fall things. Halloween is being canceled, along with Christmas I suspect, Santa Claus being quarantined and all. The news exclaims coronavirus cases skyrocketing by 90% with the mention of school. No surprise to me, could have predicted that back in march. The teachers union will leverage this to their advantage, you know being on the " front lines" and all. It's playing politics with the children! Let's take this opportunity to indoctrinate them a little bit more, making them more compliant. Be afraid children, be very afraid. Someone out there might, could have, possibly be carrying a disease that will kill you! Wash your hands, use hand sanitizer, cover your mouth and nose, wear a face shield, until you become completely neurotic! Counselors will be available, for free when school reopens. Maybe next year kids. This is war!
 Meanwhile Baltimore has asked for a " cease fire " weekend. It's somewhat of a normal thing for the city, they do that every once in a while. They just ask people to stop shooting each other. I think they made it one whole day, once. It was quite the victory until the celebration, when someone got shot. Seattle is having their Police Chief retire, she's had enough of it. Can't say as I blame her. Did you know she is a black lady? That's what she said, she didn't say she was a lady of color. Thing is, it doesn't matter what she is or isn't she is fed up with the liberal nonsense. If she can't do her job, she is retiring. I wish her well. I saw another article claiming Colorado was going to change the way they allocated their electoral votes, the intent is to help the Democrats. Well, it is true that the states get to decide that much, they don't get to decide how many electoral votes they get however. Colorado currently allocates all electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote. 48 out the 50 do. The other two distribute them based on Congressional district results, as a result some votes can go to either party. Well, it's politics and confusion reigns supreme.
 Time for me to move on, get my day started away from this keyboard. Maybe cut the grass although the humidity is just crazy this morning, 95%. It's not the heat, it's the humidity. Some things just never change. The names may change, but things remain pretty much the same. I admit I'm anxious for Harris to debate Pence. Should be entertaining. Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Harris on stage and her rating plummeted. In fact she dropped out of the race shortly after that. Pence is not rattled easily and I'm certain will do a great job. Her record is nothing to brag about, her big accomplishment was locking up more African-American men for smoking pot than any other prosecutor! When asked if she had ever smoked pot, she just laughed. Best not talk about social justice Kamala. Maybe stick to your support for the "new green deal" deal with that cow flatulence and those pesky airplanes instead. 

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