Wednesday, July 15, 2020

what's the dream

 The question was asked, what should the minimum wage be? I put my two cents worth into the pot. That doesn't count for much these days, adjusted for inflation I need to take out a loan to afford that. But anyway, I pointed out that minimum wage is an entry level figure, not a living wage. A living wage would certainly have to be a higher number. That entry level wage is for young people to gain work experience, learn new skills and increase their worth to the workforce. It is designed to prepare people for full time employment. We could discuss all of that in more detail but what's the point? Everyone wants more money, everyone thinks they are worth more money, and minimum wage will never be enough. Only those that have advanced past that stage will agree that minimum wage shouldn't be a living wage. 
 A living wage needs to provide for the expense of housing along with transportation, food, clothing, and various other expenses. That's because a living wage assumes the individual is living on his or her own. I wonder if in America we have priced ourselves out of that? What I mean is, our minimum wants exceed our minimum earnings. So the question is, do we adjust the wants or the wages? If we continue to adjust the wages where does that end? The cost of goods and services must be raised each time the minimum wage is raised. It's a never ending loop. So what's the answer? Adjusting out wants? 
 How much do you need to live? Well now that's the sticking point isn't it? My minimum requirements are certainly different than yours. In short what makes me happy may not make you happy. Living on your own is expensive in more ways than one. There is the emotional cost as well as the financial. It seems to me Americans have become more interested in the financial costs than the emotional toll. Could be that is why we have so many mental health issues. Perhaps, just perhaps the distancing of families has contributed to all of this turmoil. And now we are trying to replace family with cash! Trying to buy that happiness. Has the American dream become a nightmare? 
 Just what is the American dream? A home of your own, a white picket fence, children, and a little nest egg. Isn't that what we have all been told? Well, if you are a baby boomer that is what was portrayed anyway. After WW2 that was the deal. The economy was booming, housing was affordable, cars were cheap as well. You could get a job and support your family. The wife at home raising the children, the children having their toys, their friends and carefree. Yes raising a family, being a part of the community, watching your children grow into contributing adults, that was the dream. What is the dream today? I can't answer that question. I don't know what the kids of today see in their future. I'm certain they have dreams but what are they? I understand it can't be the same as mine as their experience is different. I was told that things were fine when I was growing up. Progress was being made in all areas. Things were better than in the past and would only get better if we kept our nose to the grindstone. That is what I was taught. Hard work, doing the right thing and perseverance will get the results you want. The future was bright. 
 Is that what kids are hearing today? I don't think so. Listen to the news and the future is pretty bleak. They are being told every politician is a crook, cops are there to kill people, and they will never earn enough money to live. The country is in a turmoil. prejudice and racism exists everywhere, and if you are white, your ancestors stole everything. You should be ashamed to an American. I'm having a hard time finding any positives. So I ask again, what is the dream today? Is it that in the future everyone has enough money to just do whatever they want, whenever they want to do it. There is no moral authority, morality is whatever you decide it should be? Laws only exist so you can sue other people, that's the purpose. Laws are not to restrain you, they exist solely to punish others. And the function of government is to provide you with all the basic needs, you shouldn't have to pay for those things. Your wages should only be used to buy the things you want. Housing, food, medical and dental? No, the government pays for that. Is that the new dream? Is the dream now, anything I want should be made affordable because I want it? I shouldn't have to choose between wants and needs. Just what is the dream today? I'm baffled. 

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