Saturday, July 25, 2020


 In just forty four days we will celebrate labor day. It will seem a little ironic this year, don't you think? I'm thinking we should rename it to Essential workers day. Maybe all those businesses like Walmart and the Liquor stores could close for that day, you know give the workers a day off. I don't expect there will be any parades. We can still barbecue and have family gatherings, at least the family that has been living in the same house together could. As I understand it, if I were to go to a barbecue at my sons house in New York, I'd have to self quarantine for two weeks before going to his home. I question how many people are actually following those guidelines. A two week stay in a motel isn't an inexpensive proposition. But the narrative says it could be two weeks for the virus to be detected and the Maryland coronavirus isn't the same as the New York coronavirus therefore I have to quarantine to be sure the Maryland coronavirus doesn't get loose in New York! Wouldn't do any good to be tested in Maryland, declared to not have the virus, go to New York and two weeks later have the virus. But if I have my temperature checked I can go to Lowes or Walmart because well, I'm not sick. Maybe I could just have my temperature checked at the border, there is a coin shortage so maybe use the toll collectors to take your temperature, get a stamp, like going to the nightclub. Okay, you can go in. Make an entry into the contact tracing database. Wait, what, a type of passport to allow you to travel state to state? Now entering New York, please have your papers ready!
 Well I wandered off track a bit but I was thinking about labor day being so close. This summer has certainly been different. I had considered going here or there only to be reminded, it's closed. I have to say it hasn't really restricted me as the wife and I don't go many places anyway. A ride in the countryside and a milkshake from McDonalds is a day out. We are set in our ways I suppose. On the ride to Walmart we take a certain route. Along the way we check on a herd of goats, seeing where they are today. Sometimes grazing in the fields and at others clustered around a bale of hay, I've noticed they always seem to be eating, guess that is what goats do. On another road there is a colony of feral cats. We check on them as well. Someone leaves food and water out for them, at least I think so unless they are someone's pets. If so, it must be the home of the crazy cat lady you often hear about.
 The summer will be gone before you know it. Kids will be going back to school, or not. My granddaughter said she needed school clothes. I told her, no, you need work clothes, welcome to reality. She will be 18 in Sept just a couple weeks after labor day. Her school is virtual this year, at least the fall semester will be, that's why I was teasing her about school clothes. She did say, she is not allowed to wear pajamas in her virtual classroom. She does have to log in, with a video feed so the teacher can see her. Sounds like the Jetson's to me. Although as I remember it, daughter Judy and my boy Elroy went to school in a physical building. I don't know, it all seems surreal to me but then again I'm old. I know nothing about this Zoom or whatever it is they are using. Used to be that after labor day things went back to normal. Not this year, maybe the next? Well that will depend upon November but I'm not going to think about that. The truth is a new normal will have been established. No turning back now. Two decades into a new millennium. If this is any indication the next nine hundred and eighty years should be something. I don't know how many of those I will see, not certain I want too to be honest about it. Guess all I can do is, shelter in place. LOl 

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