Monday, July 6, 2020

what its' about

 I often compose these blogs first thing in the morning. I do so before the world has had a chance to frustrate or infuriate me. If you listen to the news that is going to be the usual result. Not too many positive things being reported. That is because of one thing, and one thing only, ratings. The desire to sell the program outweighs all other considerations. It also leads to the justification for doing so. The old adage if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all has been turned upside down. To report anything positive is now vilified as " hiding " the truth. You have to report half truths and supposition to be financially viable in the age of instant information. The objective being to arouse a response not to inform. I can get your attention by screaming, not so much with a whisper. And that is what the news has become, a bunch of screaming harpies!
 This morning the news is reporting how a group of " protestors " tore down a statue of Christopher Columbus in the city of Baltimore. It was torn from its' pedestal, broken into pieces and thrown in the harbor. One of the protestors, a purported Native American, claiming her people had been slaughtered because of him. That statue was a constant reminder of that and stood as a tribute to that.
 So, Christopher Columbus, a man that never, in four voyages set foot on the continent of North America is responsible for the Indian wars? A man that sailed the ocean blue in 1492, almost two hundred years before the Jamestown settlement, a man that only landed in the Caribbean, Hispaniola, and explored the coast of South America is somehow to blame for what happens almost four hundred years later! Heck, Christopher Columbus didn't even discover America, that credit goes to the Norsemen. Want to place blame, blame the Scandinavian nations for that. Makes as mush sense as blaming Columbus. Yet the news reports this as, a protest. What it was was vandalization of public property! It was a statue given to the city by the Italian-American organization. Baltimore city has an area called " Little Italy " an area of historic and cultural heritage. Famous for the food and the neighborhood. indeed a celebration of heritage coexisting with the nation it has embraced. Yet a bunch of street thugs rip this down promoting cultural diversity? A bunch of " protestors " striving for equality while tearing down other cultures monuments?
 Now I have never seen this statue and never will now, apparently. I have passed through Little Italy but never stopped there. I haven't seen a number of these statues and monuments that have either been destroyed and tucked away in some dark corner somewhere. The same group of people complaining about " untold " history are the ones attempting to hide every bit of history that displeases them. There should be reminders. By hiding these things away, storing them in dark warehouses or in the back rooms of museums they will be forgotten. And when history is forgotten it will be repeated. I won't make any comparisons to communist or fascist policies, this isn't being done by the government, as least not directly. This is being allowed for political reasons and the biggest reason is a pandering by some government officials to certain demographics.
 This will pass and the mob move onto something else soon enough. It will be whatever the news media directs as the next affront. Controversial topics are becoming a bit more difficult to " expose " these days. We have already stated every obvious wrong and injustice in American history. And that is what is feeding all of this. the obvious. Take the whole Black Lives manner thing. The response is All Lives Matter something our founding fathers wrote into the founding documents! We have a right to LIFE. Today, thanks to the main stream media and certain politicians that no longer applies to unborn children. If the main stream media outlets expressed the outrage over 125,000 children being aborted daily that would change, there would be protests. But all they report is, it's a choice! Well, every historical figure you can name made a choice. You may not like that choice but you can't change that choice either. What you should do is learn from those choices, not try to erase them. But then again that isn't the real intent, the real purpose in all of that. No the real purpose is to gain an advantage of some kind, claiming some entitlement based on past events that you had nothing to do with. That's what this is all about. 

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