Thursday, July 30, 2020

too dangerous

 The right to vote. Since I was a child I was taught that was one of the most precious things an American had. I was taught how it was my civic duty to do so. To be well informed of the issues, to listen to the candidates and make my voice heard. We had defied a King and fought a war of independence to secure that right. Yes at first you had to be an American or naturalized citizen and a male to vote. Interesting to note, although not taught today, is that the constitution itself never restricted the right to vote based on race, creed, or gender, that decision is up top the individual states. There were in fact women and people of color voting in our elections long before the 13th amendment. But women's suffrage secured the right of women to vote and the 13th amendment secured that right for people of color. Thing is, those rights were never denied to either group in the Constitution. In fact the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence for that matter, do not contain a single reference to race, skin tone,  sex, or religion. The very first mention of race appears in the 15th amendment ratified in 1870. The Confederate Constitution written in 1861 is rife with such references! It stood in stark contrast to the Constitution of the United States of America. My point simply being the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and indeed the Declaration of Independence were all " color blind " documents. It is the constitution of the individual states that regulated all of that finally overridden by federal law, the law upheld by the constitution of the United States of America, the law the founding fathers intended. The very reason they wrote, " all men are created equal."
 Why do I mention all of this? The reason is a simple one, I'm concerned with the upcoming election. The concern is not so much with which candidate wins, as with the fairness of the vote itself. There is so much talk of mail in voting, a system everyone agrees is ripe for corruption. What I find upsetting is this claim by some that it is just too dangerous! Too dangerous, a revolution was dangerous, being a suffragette was dangerous, marching for civil rights was dangerous! Yet literally hundreds, no thousands of lives were lost fighting for the right to vote. And today I hear, it's inconvenient and dangerous. And what political party is pushing this agenda? The Democrat's. The very party that refused the right to vote to minorities and to women. Remember it was that party that authored the Confederate Constitution clearly stating their views! And today the Democrats want mail in ballots, they say to ensure everyone gets to vote. The string of excuses for not having in person voting grows everyday. A campaign of fear and intimidation is being used to force this. The newest gambit being, if you are an election judge you will get covid 19 and die! Yes, you can go to Walmart, the Liquor stores, any number of places, and interact with thousands of people as long as you wear a mask and social distance , that's no problem. If you're election judge however, it's a death sentence! Yes this from the party that would deny the right to vote to minorities. The party that now panders to that minority block for votes making grandiose promises that they never keep. The party that suppresses that same minority by telling them they are victims, they can't do it on their on. they need the help and support of the Democrats! The Democrat's that are now kneeling, with their Kinte scarfs, tearing down statures of their past heroes in a desperate attempt to secure the minority vote. The same Democrat's releasing prisoners because it's too dangerous for them to be in prison, masks and social distancing only works at the Walmart! The Democrat's returning the right to vote to Felons! Why? For the vote, that's why.
 The right to vote. What is a solemn obligation now being used as a bargaining chip. The Democrats don't have a very good track record when it comes to that. They lost the civil war to those that fought for what was right and just. Our constitution stood the challenge, not that hate filled, racist document composed by the Democrat's. And even after the war was lost, it was a Democrat that Killed Lincoln putting a Democrat and southern sympathizer in office. The man that subsequently returned all lands back to those southern slaveholders that started the war in the first place. The party that tried it's best to block the passage of the civil rights act in 1964. Yes, those Democrats! And now, now it's too dangerous to go to the polling place! 

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