Sunday, July 5, 2020

Mr. Flame

 Enjoyed celebrating the fourth with my wife. We fired up my vintage ( 1980's ) Mr. Flame, son of hibachi grill. A little while back I had it in mind to buy a hibachi grill. It is only the two of us most of the time so I thought that would be sufficient. Being a modern man I immediately went to Amazon. When I was a child the only Amazon I had ever seen was in the National Geographic magazines. It's also where I saw topless pygmies and anaconda snakes, but that's for another day perhaps. Anyway. as I searched for a hibachi this , Mr. Flame , son of hibachi was advertised. I read the description of it and became intrigued. I placed my order and in just three days it was on my doorstep. Very convenient. This device is NOS. That means it is new old stock. It was manufactured sometime in the 1980's and has been in a warehouse somewhere for forty years!
 This package arrives in a box emblazoned with the amazon logo, as are all things mailed in that fashion. Opening that box I discover there is another box inside of that with a picture of the grill and all that on it. I rip open the end of that box and discover there is yet another box inside of that. That box is the original box that the grill was packaged in. You can tell by the graphics and the picture of the person on it. She is dressed in 1980's style clothing. That innermost box has obviously been around the block a few times. Made of a thin corrugated cardboard it is quite flimsy. It was never designed to be shipped anywhere that much is certain. The colors are a bit faded, there is a slight tear, and the smallest bit of rust on the grill itself. But I'm excited to try this " new " technology out. I had never heard of this Mr. Flame, despite the advertising claiming it to be the latest innovation in grilling technology. It uses " blast furnace " technology to light the charcoal briquettes, ready for grilling in ten minutes. This is achieved by folding the grill closed, like a clam shell, to create a pillar of flame! This will also clean and sanitize the grilling surface.
 We did set up Mr. Flame, load the charcoal in it, the classic Kingsford of course, and following the lighting instructions put it to the test. The flame did shoot out of the top as advertised. That folded grill had created a chimney effect and the heat was intense. After waiting the prerequisite ten minutes I opened that grill up to its' horizontal grilling position. I had to rearrange the coals a bit but they were ready. We did brauts the first day, that was the third, a trial run before the holiday, and the results were good. Yesterday I did hot dogs, toasted the buns and steamed open a few clams. Mr. Flame lived up to the hype. Don't you just love it when things work out the way you planned and hoped for? Happy Independence Day. 
 Today I plan on packing away my bunting and my eagle. Those are my Independence day decorations, the American flag flies proudly from my porch every day! The next holiday being labor day I have no décor for that. I suppose I could hang a white sheet out there but those labor day " white " sales are a thing of the past and I'm certain many wouldn't understand the significance of that sheet. So, now I'll have to wait for Halloween to decorate again. I usually don't do a whole lot for that, maybe a skeleton or a pumpkin. Summer is in full swing now and fall items are already beginning to appear at Walmart. There will be political sign season this fall and I'm not looking forward to that mess. I can only see trouble with all of that. I will not be posting any signs for or against any candidate. The days of that being " good natured " and an " expression " of freedom is long gone. In todays climate you might as well paint a target on your property. It's a sad reality in America today. No matter, I'll keep on enjoying my Mr. Flame. You should get one too. 


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