Sunday, July 26, 2020


 On Sunday morning on Maryland public television there is a show called, Songs of the Mountains. hosted by Tim White. It comes on at four and seems like a fitting way to begin the day. The musicians on there are those that play on the circuit, traveling from town to town. Most I have never heard of as I'm not a big fan of gospel and bluegrass but do enjoy listening to it. I am always amazed at how many really talented people there are making music. a talent I surely don't have despite attempting to do so. But this morning they had a guest that I was surprised by, Kyle Petty. Yes, that Kyle Petty of nascar fame. Not that I'm a big fan of nascar either but I know that name. I wasn't aware that he played and wrote songs. I gave him a listen and he ain't bad. That wasn't as surprising as something else, he was sporting a man bun! Say what? Yes, Kyle Petty wears a man bun. He's sixty years old and grey haired with a man bun. I'm sorry, just a little too trendy for me. I just wonder, what's up with that fashion choice. He is wearing blue jeans and a checked shirt, that's expected, maybe a can of dip in his back pocket, they didn't show his backside, but it is what I would expect. Guess I'm just stereotyping him based on a perceived culture.
 I've thought about this fad and fashion stuff before. I've always been a bit conservative when it comes to that. That is to say for the most part anyway, I've had my moments when I stepped outside the box. Thing is when I did that I was well aware of what I was doing. Yes it really was a fashion choice. That choice was about sending a message more than anything else. The message wasn't always clear to me and I'm certain confusing to others, especially those that knew me. What the heck? There were times when I wished to draw attention to myself, and times when I wanted the message to be, stay away from me. It has been said clothes make the man and that holds a great deal of truth. We do tend to change our ways just a bit depending upon dress. It seems to me those lines are getting blurred more every year. What I mean by that is we tend to dress less for the occasion. I've heard dress for success but now it's dress less. The current joke is people at work without their pants on because they are working at home on the computer. I'm in my bath robe when writing the majority of these posts. Trust me, you don't want to see that. I don't have a " cam " on this monitor, no need for that.
 So I was thinking about this fashion stuff and how it sends a message to us. Consider this trend of the " saggy " pants. What message is that trying to send? I'm certain all of us have heard what the original message that was intended to send in the prisons. But what message is it supposed to send on the street? I'd say it was an aggressive statement, I'm a tough guy, maybe been in prison, I'm no one to mess around with, I can wear my pants like this and I dare you to say anything. That's the message I get. I remember the whole hippie thing and those fashions. That style was supposed to let everyone know that you were " cool " man. It was a snub at society in the sixties. Just a little before that white tee shirts, leather jackets and poodle skirts did the same thing. I think it is fair to say that style does reflect our personal politics and/or cultural identity. Something people these days seem to concern themselves with a great deal, this identity stuff. I've always known who and what I am, not being confused about that. Yes, sometimes I put on a " costume " to appear to be something else. But that is to send a message to others, not to myself. Perhaps that's why I have never been overly concerned with fad or fashion.
 I wonder too if that is the reason some of those socialist or communist countries have their citizens dress alike, everyone sending the same message. In reading about that the lack of any dress standards is related to " social progress " but I don't agree with that. I do think there should be some limitations on that as far exposing ones' body parts! In India their constitution allows them to wear whatever is comfortable for them, toplessness is common in that society, like a National Geographic magazine article in the Amazon. But some call that progress. Some will say it should be the normal thing, that if you're not comfortable with that, you're just uptight man. I say dress is a part of establishing a civil society. We are sending messages with our dress.
 I don't know what the latest trend is, except for that saggy pants things. I'd say that was mostly being practiced by blacks and Latinos with a few white guys in the mix. I don't know what the white boys are doing. Goth was a thing for a short time, but didn't really catch on. I don't know, wearing your ball cap backwards is the last thing I really took note of. I find that strange as it was supposed to be a red neck thing! Hey, your neck won't get red if you keep it in the shade. And if you turn that hat around that visor will shade your eyes from the sun. Sorry it just looks stupid to me. It's like putting those wagon wheel tires on your pick up truck, just looks dumb. It's a mixed message. I like to drive a pick up truck but I won't use it as a pick up truck. Maybe it's the whole identity thing again. Of course I hear you can go to a therapist these days and discover your identity. LOL, I only need to look in the mirror. I guess I'm just happy being who I am. I am confused when others don't see that. Oh well, all I can be is me. it really is as I wrote awhile back, " My name is Ben, that's who I am, and all I'm ever gonna be, I tired to be someone else, but, it just wasn't me. "  

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