Friday, July 10, 2020

ain't that cute

 I was reading an article, nothing more than what they call click bait these days, about a restaurant chain changing their mascot. The Big Boy is being replaced by a girl named Dolly. I wasn't aware that there are several companies that own and operate Big Boys and all of them don't always agree. It was stated that one group of Big Boy restaurants were not going to go along with this change. I had also never heard of this Dolly but it was mentioned she had been around since the 1950's as a spokeswoman for those burgers. Apparently there is no issue with using the name Dolly. Dolly Madison and Dolly Parton have not having expressed any objection to that; yet. In an unrelated issue the singing group Lady Antebellum, in an attempt to be more politically correct and in support of the BLM, have changed their name to Lady A.
 Now there is this other artist, Anita White, who has been using that moniker for a number of years. She has released a few blue's albums. They talked about it, didn't reach an agreement, so Lady A, formerly knows as, Lady Antebellum, is suing Anita for use of the name. They say they are not seeking monetary compensation from her, they are just going to use corporate bullies to take the name from her! Yes, that's correct. When a wealthy person, or group, use that wealth to hire a team of lawyers to get what they want against someone unable to afford a comparable defense team, that's bullying! But, I've wandered a bit from the story.
 The Big Boy is being replaced because the restaurant is now going to offer a chicken sandwich. There hope is to compete against the other burger chains that offer chicken. The Big Boy isn't a good thing to advertise anymore, not if you wish to attract the newer generations. Those folks want to eat out, but eat healthy. So, out with the Big Boy and in with the curvaceous Dolly. And a new advertising slogan to go with that. They are going to say, Dolly has the best CLUCKIN' chicken. Yes, corporate has decided a thinly veiled obscenity is the ideal way to sell this chicken sandwich to young people. It's a vernacular they will relate too! Well now isn't that all American. What fun. Look, it's Dolly, she has the best cluckin' chicken! Yes Susie, she does and it's cluckin' delicious. Ha, ha, Ha. isn't that cute. For me I just don't think that is appropriate at all. Of course I'm old and believe in teaching children respect, manners, and not to use obscenities! They may change when they age but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.
 Yes I'm aware many will say I'm just stupid, old fashioned and don't know anything. There opinion and they are entitled to it. I'm not saying I will boycott the Big Boy or Dolly, honestly I don't recall ever going there anyway. All I'm saying is, just like crops in the field, the seeds planted determine what grows. Plant that seed in a young mind and it will flourish. I'm thinking we are seeing a bit of that right now. Have you read any of the signs these protestors are carrying these days? Pick a cause, pick a protest, it doesn't matter. I see young children, children too young to have written those signs themselves or understand their meaning, marching with them. I have seen graphic depictions of people and acts that have no place in the public eye. A civil nation? Not without teaching the children of today civility! Mommy, mommy, I want some of that cluckin' chicken! You just shut the cluck up! Ha, Ha, Ha, ain't that cute. 

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